A Year Of Emotions

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When Heather returned home from World Tour, her family was devastated. Not that she had lost but because she was back home. Her father barely gave her one look before returning to his work and her brothers endlessly teased her about her failure to actually win. At least her mother understood. "It's really not fair," She said, picking Heather up from the airport, "You won but you didn't get the money! They should reimburse you!" Her mother scoffed, taking a partially sharp turn. Heather held onto her seat and let out a sigh of relief. No more cameras, awful challenges, and worst of all, Alejandro'. Her life wasn't the best but it was better than Total Drama.

She settled back into her room, unpacking her small carry-on. She decided to switch the tv on while putting her clothes away. Immediately, Celebrity Manhunt clicked on and started covering the finale of World Tour. Heather groaned listening to the middle-aged host discussing her life for the past couple weeks. Worst of all, pictures of her and Alejandro kissing were everywhere. Just looking at the screen sent a flurry of mixed emotions through her. She angrily shut the tv off and flopped onto her bed. She could hear her brothers screaming from the other side of the house. She covered her ears with a pillow.

'What the hell am I gonna do now?'

Apparently, she lived her life. There was nothing else she could do. Everyday she'd do her school online. Ever since Total Drama Island, she was swarmed anytime she went out and school was not a healthy environment for her. Too many people hated her and bullied her so she had to switch to online. Speaking of bullying, the social media response to Heather was completely different after World Tour. In the past, people had called her names and threatened her online. But now, people were rooting for her. A lot of fans agreed that she had been robbed of her prize.

Including some of her castmates. Several of her former foes reached out to her like Cody, Sierra, Bridgette, Geoff, Owen, and even Courtney once. Most kept in constant contact with her, liking her posts, commenting nice things, messaging once in a while. Cody and Sierra especially stayed close, surprisingly. Everyday Cody would shoot Heather a message, updating her on his life and asking about hers. And Sierra was always making posts about Heather on her blog, rallying fans in her support.

But there was one person who never appeared online or in person. Alejandro. He disappeared after the finale and nobody had spotted him since. Heather assumed his diplomat father worked something out to keep him hidden, considering his total embarrassment on live television. She had expected that. What she didn't expect was him not contacting her. Day after day she waited for his text but nothing came. It infuriated her. 'Who does this guy think he is? At least one text, that's it!' She became restless waiting for him.

She was lying in bed one day, where she spent most of her time, when she got a text from Cody. "Sierra started therapy today!" She peered at her phone before typing out a response. "About time, congrats I guess." She sighed and dropped her phone onto the bed. Seconds later, her phone dinged. "Have you heard from Al yet?" Heather groaned and kicked her feet. Then she crafted a reply. "No. Good riddance. Has anybody heard from him?" She waited hopefully, picking at her lip, until Cody's text came in. "Nope. Sierra thinks he died in the volcano explosion lol." Heather laughed bitterly. 'Oh if only. I know he's out there somewhere. I'll find him. I don't know what I'll do but I'll find him.'


Six months of monotonous life drudged by. Heather was on her computer, responding to hate comments when everything changed. 'So many stupid girls are Alejandro fans and if they keep bugging me, I'm gonna go insane!' A knock at the door distracted her. "Come in!" She shouted, knowing it was her mother. 'Nobody else knocks.' Her mother entered and leaned on the doorframe. "Hey, girlie," She said, "I've got something for you." Heather looked up from the screen. Her instincts told her to be afraid. 'Prize or punishment?' She had to remind herself she wasn't on Total Drama anymore. "What is it?" She asked, cautiously.

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