Under The Moonlight

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Heather made her to the winner's cabin with a skip in her step. Not only had they won, she was free from Alejandro and his confusing behavior. 'Now it's time to crush him!' But first she stopped at the dining hall. Having only had disgusting pancakes to eat, she was starving for some real food. A buffet was set up so Heather made a plate for herself. 'Mmm steak! Anything is better than slop but this is really delicious!' She had only been eating for a few minutes when the click of boots on tile drew her attention. She whipped her head up and locked eyes with Alejandro. She narrowed her eyes, giving him a classic Heather glare.

"What do you want?" She barked at him. Alejandro sighed and began making a plate for himself. "I'm here to eat, obviously." Like Heather, he picked up some steak. Goosebumps along Heather's arm startled her as he sat beside her. She stopped eating and picked at her lip. After taking a few deep breaths, she decided to respond. "I would have thought you'd be full after all that throw-up."

Heather crossed her arms waiting for his reply. But it didn't come. They sat in silence for several minutes as Heather watched Alejandro. Looking at him out of the corner of her eye, she took in his disheveled appearance. 'His hair is all messy, his boots still have puke on them, and worst of all, his nose won't stop whistling!' She didn't know if he was doing it on purpose but it was driving her crazy nonetheless. With every breath he would take, a whistle would sing from his nose. After a few seconds of this torture, Heather snapped. "Do you have to whistle through your nose while you eat, windy?" She stood from her seat and towered over Alejandro, menacingly. She held her breath waiting for his snarky reply. Instead, he sighed, pushed his plate away, and left the dining hall. As he strolled away he mumbled, "Typical Heather."

Heather gasped as he exited. She dropped her body onto the nearest chair. 'Typical Heather?' She thought to herself, 'He calls that a comeback?! It's like he's not even trying! Like he's...lost interest in me?' The thought knocked all the wind out of her. She struggled to breathe, alone in the dining hall. 'I knew we had ended things but I didn't know he really meant the end! Is this what I want?' She didn't have time to ruminate as she heard the loudspeaker from outside the cabin click on. "Contestants," Chris' voice rang out, "Gather round the starting line for a big announcement!"

Now more confused, Heather left the winner's cabin. Once outside, she spotted a white line drawn in the grass with the Heroes and Villains gathered behind it. Heather joined her team, giving Alejandro a cold stare. He ignored her again. She was about to call him out when Chris joined the group and started his speech. "Good news, you guys! As a special treat, it's time for an extremely dangerous nighttime challenge!" The cast groaned as Chris grinned wildly. "In a nod to season four's buried treasure fiasco, your challenge is to race to the far end of the island. First team to get every member across the finish line wins."

The groups looked at one another, surprised with the painless challenge. "Sounds easy enough." Duncan remarked. Heather sighed, knowing that Chris wouldn't stand for that. "It does, doesn't it? But tonight's full moon is an extremely rare Blue Harvest Moon. And let's just say it has an unusual effect on the local wildlife." He chuckled, not elaborating in the slightest. "Villainous Vultures, since you guys won the last challenge, barely, you get this map with the fastest route to the other side of the island. Heroic Chumps, you guys get nifty bacon hats and sausage tails. Enjoy!" Chef tossed the food/clothing to the Heroes as Chris tossed the map to the Villains. He pressed down on the airhorn and laughed.

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