Rock Bottom

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Alejandro appreciated one thing about Scott; he was an independent person. Scott didn't bother trying to fake a friendship or spend time with Alejandro. As soon as they both entered the winner's cabin, Scott walked off, content on spending time with himself. This left Alejandro alone and free to enjoy the winner's perks. He had discovered that among the large array of staff, the cabin had a butler. Once he had learned this, he instructed the man to follow him around, caring for Alejandro's every need. After the sun had set, Alejandro retreated to the hot tub outside. He was relaxing in the warm water, sighing in satisfaction when he felt inclined to speak.

"This is the life. The life I deserve. The life I will have after I win the million,' He said, clenching his fist and turning to the butler, "Would you like to hear a story about me?" The butler stared blankly and then walked away. Alejandro continued nonetheless. "I was born a beautiful man-"

"Hey roomie!" Chris' voice interrupted Alejandro's tale as the middle aged man joined him in the hot tub. "It looks like I'll be staying here." Alejandro grimaced, causing Chris to laugh. "Hey, it's no fun for me either. I lost everything, including my swim trunks." He whipped his towel off and threw it at Alejandro's face. With a shudder, Alejandro quickly jumped out of the hot tub and made his way inside.

He returned to his room, dressed, and started to wander down the halls, looking for Scott. 'We need to discuss Mike messing with the votes.' he thought while shivering. "Que frio." he whispered to himself, holding his arms close to his chest. While searching through the halls, Alejandro spotted an open door with a bright blue light shining through. "What have we here?" he said, looking into the camera perched in the corner. He entered the room and gasped. Inside were dozens of computer monitors, wires, and buttons. "So this is how Chris knows all."

He approached the desk where the center monitors were displaying the island. On the desk sat a cardboard box marked "TD All-Stars" with several CDs in the box. He rifled through them, finally landing on a CD marked "Mal's Greatest Hits". At first he thought it was filed in the wrong box. Then, he placed the CD in the player and an image came up on the right monitor. Mike, or rather Mal, was sabotaging the Heroes' team and sending people home. Clip after clip showed the devious boy messing with the cast. The final clip showed Mal hiding the tampered votes behind Alejandro's pillow in the loser's cabin. Staring at the screen in shock, Alejandro realized he had an entire game's worth of dirt on Mal. And he intended to use it.

Alejandro marched straight out of the monitor room and continued his search to find Scott. Luckily, he found him soon after in the dining hall. He was stuffing down steak as Alejandro burst into the room. "Scott," he said forcefully, "Come with me. I've got something important to show you!" He grabbed Scott's arm and pulled him out of his seat and the dining room. Scott protested, trying to wrangle his arm free but Alejandro's strength prevailed. He rushed back to the monitor room and shoved Scott towards the right monitor. Within seconds he had the CD in the player.

He watched as Scott took in Mal and his disastrous effect on the game. The ginger boy dropped his jaw. When the clips ended, Scott laughed. "Well, who woulda seen that coming?" He continued to chuckle as Alejandro frowned and crossed his arms. "It's not funny." Scott cleared his throat, still keeping up an amused grin. "So what do you wanna do about this?" he asked. Alejandro stopped to think. Then, a great idea came to him. "First, we deal with the tampered votes. I'll go and hide the votes under Mike, I mean Mal's bed. While I do that, you meet with Courtney. We need her on our side to vote out Mal." He stood proudly, waiting for Scott to compliment him on his wonderful idea.

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