Digging Deeper

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Heather picked a bed in the spa hotel far away from the rest of the Villains. In her own room, she had the privacy to pace and worry by herself. 'He's here, he's actually here. And we're right back where we started. This is hell.' She interrupted her anxious thoughts with frantic writing in her notepad. "Alejandro: supposedly asleep legs, obvious faker, do not trust!!" She looked down at her handiwork. 'His name does look good in red glitter...'

During the night, Heather tossed and turned. She flailed around in bed, restless. When she finally slipped into unconsciousness, her dreams were plagued with Alejandro, stuck in the robot suit. He was menacing yet a certain yearning pulled her towards him. Dream after dream, they fought and tried to outwit each other but to no avail. When Heather woke she shot up, a sweaty mess. 'Stupid Alejandro. Ruins my day then he ruins my night!'

Rising from her bed, she changed and brushed her hair back into her classic ponytail. After checking herself out in the mirror, she started walking down the halls of the large cabin. She was halfway to the dining hall when she heard a noise coming from an open door. "Yes, that's perfect." Alejandro said, slightly muffled. Heather turned and looked, spotting Alejandro receiving a massage, undressed down to his boxers. Heather couldn't help but stare. He was face down, showing off his back muscles and arms perfectly. Heather bit her lip while taking in Alejandro fully.

"If you're going to stare, you might as well come in." Alejandro spoke, startling Heather. She flinched but quickly regained her composure. "I wasn't staring," She said entering the room, "I was glaring! Now what do you want? Or are you too busy with your manly massage?" She took a seat beside the massage table. Alejandro sighed as the masseuse moved down to his legs. "I'm sure her hands are magical, if only I could feel them." Heather scoffed. "Seriously, your legs are still asleep?" Alejandro lifted his head, revealing wax strips on his eyebrows. Heather giggled slightly. He narrowed his eyes at her and continued. "I was squashed in that robot suit for a year. Which you would have known had you ever texted!"

Heather crossed her arms. "That explains why your voice sounds weird. And it's not like you ever texted me!" She stood up and pointed her manicured nail in his face. Alejandro shouted back at her. "I didn't text you because I was trapped in a robot suit for an entire year!" Heather felt a twinge of guilt as he glared at her. So she did what she knew best, she turned the guilt into anger and ripped the wax strips from Alejandro's face. He cried out as Heather walked away, angrily stomping down the hall.

Heather skipped breakfast and made way for the confessional outhouse. Slamming the door, she let everything spill out. "Alejandro and this whole my legs don't work thing is obviously bogus! He just wants my sympathy but I am not falling for him!" She gasped, realizing her mistake. "It! I'm not falling for it!" She looked at the camera, wide-eyed and pale. Then, she tried prying the camera open. After several minutes of struggling, she gave up and marched out of the outhouse, determined to clear Alejandro from her mind.


Alejandro spent the night in his own separate room. He had expected to want space after being cramped up in a robot for so long. Instead, he felt uncomfortable in the large room, spread out and empty. As a solution, he nabbed a sleeping bag from the common area and wrapped himself up. Sighing with content, he went to sleep.

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