Friend Or Foe

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Heather had trained extensively before World Tour. For an entire month, she ran laps, lifted weights, and completed puzzles. All to prime her for the upcoming competition. Luckily, she had kept up the grueling habit between seasons. Every day, she ran a mile and worked on puzzles online. Sitting on the plane on the way to the docks, she was glad to have kept her strength up. 'With all the radioactive waste and Chris' slipping mental state, this season is going to be harder than ever.'

When she arrived at the docks, she expected to find a boat waiting for her. Instead a helicopter sat surrounded by the combined cast, a few production people, and Chef. Previous contestants like Sierra, Courtney, Gwen, Duncan, and Lindsay mixed with new cast members Zoey, Mike, Scott, Jo, Lighting, Cameron, and Sam. 'Weird cast. I would have thought Owen would have said yes. Or maybe he wasn't invited? Why'd you pick these guys, Chris?'

The one person she didn't see was Alejandro. 'Chris never actually said he would be here. I could have just fallen for another trick. Ugh!' Hauling her bag over shoulder, she approached the group, catching the end of the introductions. Heather didn't bother introducing herself. They had met already, despite it going poorly. Heather joined the group and nodded to the newbies. The only one she didn't immediately recognize was an average looking guy playing a handheld gameguy. He didn't look up to greet anyone so she dismissed him.

Sierra was gushing about the newbies, tossing her newly grown ponytail. "Omg! We have some strong couples here. Zoey and Mike and Gwen and Duncan. Holy double date on an island! I told Cody he should have come! We could be a power couple!" She giggled which then turned into a squeal at Heather's arrival. Heather braced for the hug, giving Sierra a polite pat on the back. "Hey, girl." She said, forcing a smile. 'Definitely not in the mood for high-energy Sierra.' Regardless, she listened to Sierra word vomit everywhere. "I've been doing so great in therapy and Cody says I'm making progress and-" Heather began to tune her out and take in her competition.

She separated the group into two categories; the threats and the pawns. Obviously, Courtney, Gwen, Scott, Lighting, and Cameron were the threats. All for being volatile socially, competition beasts, or previous winners. 'Lighting's a powerhouse plus I hit him over the head with a briefcase. He and Courtney will be unwilling to work with me. Scott's shifty and Gwen and Cameron have both won already! None of them can stay in the game if I want to win.' The second group, the pawns, included Zoey, Mike, Jo, Sierra, Duncan, and Sam. All either too weak or susceptible to Heather's manipulation. 'Zoey had to be carried by Mike, who's too busy with his own problems to win anything. Sierra is an obvious ally and Duncan can be flirted with and persuaded. Now Sam...? I think he's that random guy who's dating the monster chick? He's nothing. But Jo is interesting. She played a good game last season and made a lot of the same moves I would have. Sierra called her New Heather on her webshow for a reason. She could be a valuable ally.'

The cast loaded up into the helicopter while Heather ruminated. She chose a seat next to Sierra. The gleeful girl kicked her feet while strapping herself in. Heather looked around and watched everyone click the harness together. She followed. Then she noticed the empty seat to her right. 'We're still missing someone.' The whur of the blades began as they spun, picking the helicopter off the ground and into the air.

'Why not send a boat? Is he worried we won't get on it after ditching us last time? Or is something happening at the island? Is that seat for Alejandro? Or is this another trick?" Heather started cycling through possibilities, panicked and shaken. Beside her, Sierra grabbed a hold of her arm. "Hey guess what I brought?" She shouted over the blades, distracting Heather from her spiral. "What?" Heather responded cautiously. Sierra grinned and reached into her bag. Heather perked up seeing the items in Sierra's hands. Two little notepads. She smiled and reached for one of the notepads. "Thanks, got anything to write with?" Heather yelled to the girl. "Just don't throw it away this time! Want a gel-pen?" Sierra asked. Heather nodded and Sierra handed her a red sparkly gel-pen. Heather's favorite.

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