Questioning The Family

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The experience of being flushed was unlike anything Heather had felt before. As the water spun in the bowl and Heather felt herself being pulled down, she held her nose. Then, she felt herself being pulled through a tube. She refused to open her eyes, afraid of what she would find. Holding her breath as long as she could, she fell through the darkness until she felt her breath run out. Then, she became light-headed and passed out in the water.

When she came to, Heather was shivering. She lied on her side, spitting water out onto frozen ice below her. After coughing out all of the water in her lungs, she painfully peeled her skin off the ice and stood. Heather looked around at her surroundings, finding nothing but ice for as far as the eye could see. 'What the actual fuck?' Heather thought, teeth chattering, 'He can't do this to me! Dumping me out in the middle of nowhere? Is he serious?! When I get out of here, I am so going to sue Chris for all he's worth!'

Heather did the only thing she could think of. She began walking. Her wedges clicked on the ice as she held her arms for warmth. She walked for hours, mouth drying in thirst. She could feel the cold seeping into her bones as she placed one foot in front of the other. Heather passed snowy mountains and icy lakes, a view she would have normally loved if not for her situation, as the sun began to set. Eventually, she spotted a house in the distance. Rejuvenated, she ran ahead and knocked on the door. She bounced on her heels, waiting for the owner to answer. After the longest minute of her life, the owner opened the door and made eye contact with Heather. "Can I help you?" They asked, confused by the barely clothed teenager before them.

"My names Heather. I'm not sure where I am. Could I come in?" She asked, voice rough and weak. The stranger looked her up and down, chuckled, and then nodded. Heather felt the warmth surround her like a blanket entering the cozy house. She noticed the charming decorations and paintings. As the owner ushered her into the kitchen, she spotted a drawing on the fridge. It was a black haired girl with a death stare similar to Heather's. She blinked repeatedly while staring at it. While handing Heather a cup of tea, the owner spoke up. "That's my daughter's. It's her favorite girl on this show," The owner said flippantly, "I don't know anything about it but apparently she's the best." Heather felt a strange confusion but before she could ask for a clarification, the owner's daughter burst into the kitchen.

"Mom! What's for dinner? Cause I wa-" She skidded to a halt, eyes wide. Heather looked at the young blonde girl and smiled shyly. The girl looked back at Heather with disbelief. "Mom," she said calmly, "Do you know who this is?" The owner shook their head. "I know she's a stranger but she looked so cold and lost out there so I invited her in. Her names Hea-" The girl cut her mom off. "Heather. Mom!" She began bouncing on her feet and shaking her arms wildly. "She's the Heather! From Total Drama!" The owner turned to Heather and then picked the picture off the fridge. They held it up beside Heather's face. "Yeah, I see the resemblance." The young girl sighed. "No, really!" Heather felt the need to speak up, after all this was her fan and she didn't have many. "It's true. In fact I just left." The girl gasped and stopped bouncing. "You got eliminated?" She asked, voice shaking. Heather nodded solemnly. The owner laughed. "Wow. Well I'll be damned."

Heather spent a couple hours answering her fan's every question. And there were a lot of questions. By the end, Heather managed to sneak in a few questions of her own. "Um, what's your name?" She asked the girl, now picking at the food the owner had cooked. "Tori," she said, "Tori Shaw." Heather, for the first time, took note of somebody's name. "So Tori, where exactly am I?" The owner spoke up. "Oh, I can answer that. We're right outside Whitehorse."

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