Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

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Once arriving back at the hotel, there was a series of awkward interactions while the group headed to bed. Heather's mom made a pallet on the floor for Alejandro. Heather watched as Alejandro tentatively accepted the situation and laid down on the floor, clearly unhappy but willing to suck it up. It made Heather grin and calmed the flurry of confusing emotions spinning inside her. As she lied down beside her mother in bed, she stared at the ceiling, wondering what the future held.

Heather's mother leaving for work the next day gave Heather her answer; tension. The two teens were left alone in the hotel room with only a tv and newspaper flipped open to the jobs section. A not so clever hint from Heather's mom. Heather woke up first and, after fixing herself up in the bathroom, she found Alejandro rising from his pallet. She hadn't noticed before but in the dead of night he had stripped down to his boxers. A sight that put a blush on Heather's cheeks and a thump in her body. "Morning, love," he said, throat low and rough, "Something on your mind?"

"Why do you always manage to lose your shirt?" she squeaked out, eyes taking in Alejandro's exposed muscles. He chuckled and grabbed his shirt from the floor, covering himself much to Heather's disappointment. "Don't act like you don't like seeing me this way." he said, teasing her. She would have laughed if not for the looming thickness of tension in the air.

She felt completely unprepared for the conversation ahead of her. 'Sure, I've been on a few dates, kissed a few guys. But I've never had to tell a guy I have serious feelings. What the hell do I even say?!' She picked at her lip while Alejandro dressed and brushed his hair back into a ponytail. After looking at her reflection in the mirror, he turned to face her. "So," he began, "I suppose we should talk."

Heather rolled her eyes, her natural defense mechanism kicking in. "Yeah, great observation, genius." she spat at him. Instantly, she realized her mistake and rushed to correct herself. "Sorry. You're right. Let's uh talk." She sat down on the bed and Alejandro followed.

For a moment they just stared at each other, both unsure of how to proceed. Then, Alejandro broke the silence. "Listen, I know I'm putting both you and your mother out so I'll be getting a job as soon as possible. I have some ideas already so-" Heather started laughing, silencing Alejandro who stiffened. "You think I care about that? As far as I'm concerned, you can stay forever and mom can't say anything!" she choked out through her laughs.

Alejandro's shoulders relaxed as Heather calmed down. "So, um, what I wanted to talk about is us. I, uh, I like you Alejandro. Is that alright?" she said, dropping her head as her hair covered her eyes. Alejandro pushed Heather's hairs behind her ears and held her face. "You drove all the way to the Yukon to find me after I humiliated you on international television. I don't deserve you. Of course your feelings are alright!" Heather grinned while tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. "Does this mean we can go out?" she sniffled. Alejandro chuckled and pulled Heather in for a hug. "Baby, I love you. We can do whatever you want from now on." Heather turned even more red and buried her head into Alejandro's embrace.

He pulled back, confusing Heather. Then, what she had been waiting weeks for finally happened. Alejandro tilted Heather's face upward and leaned in. In seconds, his lips made contact with hers. Heather's hands were combing through Alejandro's hair as he held her close and bit her lip. She moaned, opening her mouth wide enough for Alejandro to slip his tongue inside. Electricity crackled through Heather's body while the two aggressively kissed, falling onto the bed. Heather's mind went blank with only one thought. 'Please let this moment never end!'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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