Calm Before The Storm

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Alejandro had made his way down to the spa to receive a quick massage after returning from exile on Boney Island when he heard the sound of clunky boots approaching. He looked up, surprised at his guest. Scott stood before him, arms crossed with a strong frown on his face. "We need to talk." he said, country accent shining through. Alejandro ushered the masseuse away and stood, towel wrapped around his waist. Scott turned slightly red and cleared his throat. "Put some clothes on man, geez!" Alejandro chuckled. "Why, am I distracting you?" he teased.

Scott growled. "We need to talk about the Heroes taking over our team. Gwen's a wannabe, and Courtney and Cameron are original Heroes. We need to stick together and do something." Alejandro raised his eyebrows, intrigued at Scott's proposition. He hadn't intended on an alliance, especially after his display of strength last episode, but here one had presented itself. "So you're saying we go after Cameron, right? Courtney and Gwen are too close to vote for one another. But perhaps we could turn Courtney on Cameron." Alejandro suggested.

"Why not Gwen?" Scott asked. Alejandro fought back the urge to roll his eyes. 'This guy just does not pay attention.' He thought. "Gwen and Cameron have bonded. They're friends and people like that don't vote for their friends." Scott nodded at Alejandro's explanation. Suddenly, his frown turned upward into a gleeful smile. "Okay. I'll work on Courtney. We're kinda a thing. She's gonna be my girlfriend." He said proudly.

Alejandro couldn't hold back the urge and rolled his eyes. 'This guy really can't see anything. His so-called girlfriend already has a girlfriend. Plus as a bisexual, this guy is definitely one of us.' Scott ignored Alejandro's rudeness, and left the spa, certain of the plan. All Alejandro had to do was sit back and watch the plan unfold.

Before Alejandro could return to his massage, Chris' annoying voice rang out over the loudspeaker. "Attention campers, please gather out front where Duncan's being all sweet!" Alejandro, confused but interested, dressed and exited the winner's cabin. He was the last to join the cast outside where Duncan had just accidentally fixed Chef's car. Scott filled Alejandro in and the two boys laughed at the punk losing his edge. "Duncan," Chef said with joy, "you fixed my jeep! You're a good kid." Duncan groaned, slapping his forehead as Heroes and Villains alike laughed.

Cameron stood beside Alejandro and Gwen. "Wow, you survived a whole night on Boney Island without a scratch! I'm impressed, how'd you pull it off?" Cameron asked genuinely. Alejandro looked down at his target and replied dismissively. "It's all about attitude." He thought back to having to avoid wild animals and the furious weather on Boney Island. In reality, it wasn't so easy for him. He spent most of the night thinking of Heather and their eventual reconnection. Still, he couldn't let his competition know he had any weakness so he elaborated. "Survival was easy. Also I have a special way with animals." At least that last part was true.

Chris joined the teens holding a megaphone. He shoved it in Alejandro's face and shouted into it. "Enough with the self promotion Al!" Alejandro shuddered and glared at the middle aged man. "Also, I have a big announcement. Today, the terms are being merged!" Everyone gasped, despite predicting this only one episode ago. Alejandro was mostly surprised that his, or rather Scott's, plan wouldn't be that easy. To eliminate Cameron, they'd need some former Heroes on their side. So as Chris took a phone call from his stylist, Alejandro walked up to Duncan to try and persuade him. 'Zoey and Mike would never betray Cameron. To have the majority, we need Duncan.'

"Good morning, Duncan." Alejandro said. Duncan looked him up and down with suspicion. "Let me guess. You want to form an alliance with a dangerous bad boy like me?" He said, grinning devilishly. Alejandro chuckled, causing Duncan to drop his smile. Alejandro cleared his throat and spoke. "Yes, of course. A dangerous player like you would make a great ally. I was thinking of our first target," he leaned in to whisper, "Cameron." Duncan raised one eyebrow. "That little nerd? He's not much of a threat." Alejandro tutted and grabbed Duncan by the shoulder. "Of course he is. He's won before. Plus he has Zoey and Mike under his small wing. Besides," he spun Duncan around to face Courtney who was deep in conversation with Scott, "Courtney's voting for Cameron too." Courtney shook Scott's hand and returned to Gwen's side, making Duncan grit his teeth. "Fine. Cameron it is." He gripped his fists as Chris returned to the group.

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