Nightmares: KageHina

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Another vent lmao
Kageyama having a nightmare
Autistic Kageyama

Saturday, 2:45 AM
Tobio woke up in a start before flopping back against the pillows, biting his tongue to try and keep the images from playing in his brain.
He didn't want to see them again.
They made his head hurt and his stomach turned, wanting to throw up from the intensity of what he saw.
Fuck he hates nightmares.
Why do they keep happening?

Shoyo's still asleep next to him, he's facing him and he looks relaxed and calm, he doesn't want to ruin that.
He doesn't want to wake him up, but he's not going back to sleep, he keeps seeing the images when he's awake, he sees them behind his eyes, he can't close them to sleep.

He could text Miwa but she's sleeping too, not to mention she lives several hours away with her girlfriend.
He's 16, he should know able to handle nightmares, so why is he so terrified?

Without thinking a cry escapes his throat, waking up the tangerine next to him.
Why the hell does he have to be such a light sleeper?

"Mmm, Kags? Are you okay?" the smaller boy mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
Kageyama internally cursed himself for waking him up and nodded, unable to form words.
Shoyo saw through him though, he could see the agitated set of his jaw and his eyes were glossed over with tears.

"Please don't lie to me, what happened? It's late" he asked, reaching out to the younger.
He flinched away.
"What happened?"

"N-nightmare..." the word was forced. He was non verbal but already felt bad about waking up his boyfriend, so he didn't want to ignore him or seem like he was mad.
"Tobio, don't force yourself to talk if you're non verbal, I know that's what you're doing"

He bit the inside of his cheek and hid his face.
"Are you okay with me touching you?"
He nodded and the smaller boy put his hand on his shoulder and rubbed it gently.
"Do you want a hug?"
He shook his head but still inched closer to him.

"How bad was the nightmare on a scale of one to 5?"

Tobio held up 5 fingers. His hands were shaking. Shoyo looked at him asking for permission to hold his hand.
He nodded and Shoyo intertwined their fingers, trying to calm him down.

"Do you want a hug now?"
He nodded and the small boy pulled him into a hug. It was kinda awkward considering their height difference, but still comfortable for both of them. They did this commonly when he got overwhelmed and needed grounding.

"Do you want to just stay like this? Or get in a different position?" (head out of the gutter you dirty minded fuckers)
He shook his head. "Hm."
"Stay like this?"
"Mm hm."
"Okay. You're safe Tobio. I promise. Whatever you saw can't get you. I'm right here, I'll protect you."

Tobio started crying again when he said that, alarming the tangerine.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Y-you y-yelled at m-me and y-you were really m-mad at m-me and you j-just l-left a-and you a-abandoned me a-nd called me a-annoying and s-stupid and n-narcissistic and–"

"Hey, Tobio. Tobio, you're okay. You're not narcissistic. You're not annoying. You're not stupid. I can't get mad at you. I would never yell at you with bad intentions. I'm never leaving. I'll never abandon you. I promise you that that will never ever happen. I love you so, so, sooooo much and I'm not going anywhere." Shoyo whispered to him soothingly.
Kageyama sobbed and buried his face in the boy's hair.

"You are safe. Nothing can hurt you. While we're talking about it, I know you had another reason one last night, do you wanna talk about that one?"
He shook his head.
"Can you at least tell how bad it was from 1 to 5?"
He held up 4 fingers and Shoyo sighed, feeling bad for him.
"You poor thing. I promise you that they can't hurt you, okay? I'll protect you."

Kageyama hid his face more in his hair, inhaling the smell of oranges and sugar, and it smelled clean. The smell of his hair was there but not strong, it was calming to him.
After they started dating Shoyo tried to learn more about the things that overwhelm him and smells are right near the top of the list, so he went shopping for new shampoo and soap with him to find a smell that wouldn't overwhelm him since he knew that he liked burying his face in the mountains of orange fluff.

"You're okay, nothing can get you here, I won't make you go back to sleep, I know that's really hard right now, but I promise you're safe."

"I'm not telling you to go back to sleep, but I'm right here."
"Mm hm."
"You've been having a lot of nightmares lately, have you been taking your meds?
He shook his head ashamed. He didn't like the texture of them.

Shoyo sighed. "I'm not gonna get onto you considering I'm just as bad with some things, but you know you have to take them."
"Hm." he hid his face

The tangerine sighed. "Hey, can you look at me please?"
He still kept his face hidden.
"Tobio, can you look at me?"
He didn't move.
"Please look at me? I promise I'm not mad."

He begrudgingly looked at him, almost crying again and trying to make eye contact.
"Hey, you don't have to make eye contact if you don't want to, I just need to look at me and process what I'm saying okay?"
He focused on the boy's face, looking over the skin.

"I promise I'm not mad. I'm just worried about you. I know that they can get bad. I love you, and I just want you to be okay. Okay? Can you tell me why you didn't take your meds, or do you wanna talk about this later?"
"Don' like the texture..." he muttered

The smaller sighed. "I thought you preferred the pills because they didn't have texture?"
"Everything has texture... it started to dissolve on my tongue and now it's ruined..."
"Okay, how about you try swallowing just 1 at a time instead of 2 like you normally do, and try it with a different liquid, that's what I do when it happens with my ADHD meds, and it's how we get Natsu to take meds whenever she needs to."

"'Mm hm."
"We can try that tomorrow, or well, technically tonight, but how does that sound?"
"Mm hm."
"Okay" he doesn't take the short and seemingly nonchalant responses as an insult.
He knows Kageyama isn't one for words to begin with and he did just ask him to speak when he knew he was non verbal not even 10 minutes ago.

He feels bad because he knows his boyfriend feels guilty when he can't answer him. He doesn't want to seem like he's being mean.
Shoyo constantly has to reassure the taller that just because he's not masking as much anymore and not forcing himself to speak when he's non verbal or snaps when he's overwhelmed is doesn't mean he's mean.

"We have about 2 hours until our alarms go off, do you wanna watch a show or something until then since you can't go back to sleep?"
He nodded. "Hm."
"Okay. What are we watching then?"
"You should go back to sleep." he murmured.

The ginger chuckled lightly. "Don't worry about me. You know I can function fine. So you wanna watch something?"
"Mm hm."
"What do you wanna watch?"

"Erased...?" he asked sheepishly.

It's a good comfort anime okay, I can't be the only one who thinks that. Not to mention I can knock it out fast since it's only 12 episodes

The smaller boy laughed and got out his laptop. "Okay, I know you like it."
"It's good..."
"I know Tobio, I'm not judging you."

He put on the anime and propped up the laptop on the bed so they could both see it and felt his boyfriend relax a little at the familiarity of the anime he's watched a million times.

Okay, I'mma end this here
This took me way too long to actually finish holy fuck

Words: 1405

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