Jokes: TsukiYama

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I saw the joke on YouTube and my family doesn't wanna hear it when I fucking died after hearing it
Also, someone tell me I'm not the only one who can't say 'penis' without laughing but I can say 'dick' with no issue

Saturday, 11:00 PM
"Tadashi, why are you laughing?" Tsukishima raised an eyebrow as Yamaguchi fell of his chair laughing after looking at something on his phone.

"H-have you e-ever thought of a spiderman but p-penises?" He choked out. Still laughing.

The blonde regretted asking.

"Penis man!"

"What. Let me guess. There's a song?"

"Yep. It goes
Penis man. Penis man.
Does whatever a penis can.
Slings his nuts. Any size.
Always aims for your eyes.
Oh my god. He's circumcised.
Look out. Here comes a penis man."

The green haired barely got the words out before laughing again. On the floor. Completely losing it.

"Yeah this is why I tell you to go outside. And socialize."

"Hinata and Suga thought it was funny."

"Those 2 don't count. You 3 live on dick jokes."


"Come here and I'll cuddle you. I'm gonna guess your shoulder hurts because you landed on it when you fell out of the chair."

Yamaguchi pouted but still got up and sat next to his boyfriend on the couch. Cuddling into him.

"I love you."
"Hmph. Love you too."

Hehe. Time to end this here.
My girlfriend thinks the song is dumb but she still laughed becauseeeee Penis.

Words: 252

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