Little and Hurting: TsukiHina

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Haha, another vent lmao
Also I'm kinda feeling kinda small so this might suck
Little Tsukki

Saturday 8:30 PM
"Hey Kei, you're being really fidgety, are you okay?" Hinata asked, noticing that he seemed upset.
The taller looked at him.
"Are you feeling small?"
He nodded.
"Do you want cuddles?"
The blonde nodded again and crawled into his arms. They were in a bit of an awkward position because of the height difference.

Hinata noticed the way he was biting the inside of his cheek.
He took intertwined one of his hands with the taller's and squeezed it. "Are you feeling upset?"
He tried to shrink in on himself. He's never been one for talking about things.
"It's okay. You're allowed to be upset. Do you wanna talk about it?"
He shrugged.

"I dunno... jus feel sad."
"Do you know why? Or are you just sad?"
"Just sad... don' like it."
"Well that's okay. It's okay to just feel sad."
"But I don' like it."
"I know Bubs."

He softly squeezed him in a hug which earned a whine in response.
"Hey, you're safe. I got you Bubba."
"Daddy..." The little's voice broke when he opened his mouth.
"What's wrong?"
"What hurts?"
"Head huwts... don' like it..."

"Oh Bubba. It's okay. It's probably because you're really stressed. And I know you've been holding back regression. I got you. You're okay. How about we get some medicine?"
He shook his head aggressively. "Nuh uh! Is yucky!"

Hinata sighed. "We're not taking any liquid, we  just have to swallow a pill."
"Nuh uh! Is yucky. Don' like med'cine!"
The tangerine sighed again. "Kei, Baby, I need you to calm down for me okay? We won't have any medicine. We can just cuddle until you feel better okay?"

The little kept whining and making little sounds. Kicking his feet and holding his hands in tight fists.
"Kei, Baby. Hey, it's okay. I won't make you take any medicine. We can cuddle okay? I'm right here. Breathe with me okay?" He took one of his hands and squeezed it. The little squeezed back.

Hinata felt his nails digging into his hands. He needs to clip his nails.
That's something to worry about when he's big and won't fight against it.
Tsukishima is a very fussy little. He doesn't like a lot of textures and he gets easily overwhelmed. He usually just wants to cuddle or draw when he feels small.
He'll usually just be quiet and content with a few little whines or sounds when he's small, but if there's something he doesn't like or he's being forced to do something he gets really really fussy.

Hinata squeezed his hand 3 times and squished him a little bit in a hug.
The little squeezed back and calmed down a but. "Don' wanna take med'cine Daddy... I sowwy for getting angy..."
"It's okay Baby. I know you don't really feel the best right now. Do you just wanna stay cuddling like this?"
The little nodded and whined a bit.

"How about we make a deal. We'll stay like this for a little bit longer, but if it's been an hour and you're still awake and your head still hurts, we try to take some medicine okay? And if we do that you can have some strawberries. Does that sound okay?"
He nodded again. "Jus' wanna cuddle wit Daddy..."
"I know Baby. We can just cuddle. It's okay."

The taller nuzzled his face further into where it was resting in the ginger's neck. "Sleepy..."
"I know. You can go to sleep Bubs. It's okay."
"Mm hm."

The little slowly relaxed in his Daddy's cuddles and his little noises and whimpers slowly died down as he fell asleep.

Okay, I'm ending this here, I'm getting lazy
I know this is short and that it sucks
I'm sorry

Words: 644

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