Cats: KuroKen

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I got this idea while feeding the cats outside so here ya go
Kuroo and Kenma are neighbors and didn't know each other as kids

Saturday, 9:07 PM
The loud meowing at his front door was enough to tell Kenma he missed feeding time.
That damn cat would not leave him alone.

He sighed as he got the container of cat food and went outside, not even bothering to put shoes on.
The black cat started purring as he knelt down to pour some food into her bowl, which she ate greedily.

"Man I wondered who was feeding her. Well I figured it was someone on our floor but who woulda guessed!" His neighbor said, coming up the stairs. Kuroo was his name he's pretty sure.
Kenma didn't really spare him a glance, just watching the cat eat.

"Does Nightmare always eat that fast?"
"No... not always. I was just late to feeding time today. And, Nightmare? Isn't that a bit basic...?" Kenma shot him a look of disapproval.

"What do you call her then?"
"Just... Cat. I haven't given her a name."

"Wowwww. The only guy on our floor she likes and he hasn't even named her."
"Shut up." Kenma stroked her head as she finished eating and rubbed against him.

"If she's so clingy with you why don't you bring her inside?"
"She doesn't like it inside. She's never tried coming into my house even though I've left the door open for her before. I brought her in for a few days when took her to the vet once and she hated it. She's not an inside cat. I'm content to let her scream at my door when it's feeding time and follow me around the apartment complex." Kenma shrugged.

Kuroo nodded. "Oh. I guess that makes sense. But it's getting late, and I have classes tomorrow. Later." He waved and winked before walking into his apartment.

Kenma blinked for a few seconds processing what just happened.
He looked down at the cat and scratched her head. "What just happened Nightmare...? Was he flirting with me or something?"

The cat meowed in response and Kenma shook his head. "I'm too tired for this. Goodnight." He scratched her ears and then stood up, going back into his apartment.
Why the hell does that guy's weird flirting have me so confused?

Okay that's it
Should I write a part 2?
I kinda like how open ended this is but it gives me ideas

Words: 416

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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