Ch.6: Idiot

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"Please forgive me!" Tamaki pleaded.

"No never!" I cried.

"Please, it was an honest mistake!"

"I don't care! You just don't forget that you already have a little sister and go get another one, who already has a big brother!" I yelled.

"I didn't go get another little sister! Plus, she thought I was her big brother! She thought I looked like him!"

"So, that doesn't give you the right to claim your an only child!"

"But, I am! We don't even have the same parents!" Tamaki yelled. I started to cry harder.

"In my mind we do!" I screamed at him. Tamaki grew mad.

"Aurore stop acting like a child! This is not game! I have apologized countless of times already for things I haven't done wrong!" Tamaki yelled. "So, stop being so dramatic!"

I sniffled.

"I see, so that's how you really feel?" I asked looking down at Ai.

He doesn't get it! He will never understand!


"No! Don't talk to me! You have said enough! I hate you Tamaki!" I screamed. Tamaki froze and looked at me in disbelief. I rolled away from him crying, dropping Ai on the floor as I did.

Yuina, my maid Daddy recently hired, waited for me at the door. She bowed to me.

"Yuina can you please take me home?" I asked through my sniffles.

"Of course," she said sweetly rolling me out of the room.

*-*-*-*3rd person*-*-*-*

The Hosts watched a crying Aurore leave the room. Tamaki sat in the middle of the music room dumbfounded.

"What just happened?" Tamaki said.

"What just happened is that you just made your little sister cry to the point of her hating you," Kyoya said.

"But why would would she say that? I have done nothing wrong," Tamaki said.

"You are an idiot Senpai!" Haruhi shouted. The Hosts looked at her shocked.

"Haruhi?" Tamaki muttered.

"Did you even think about what you were saying? Did you even think of Aurores feelings?" Haruhi said.

"I don't understand," Tamaki said.

"Geez boss, for being good with the ladies, who sure are dense," the twins said. Tamaki blinked.

"I would have to agree with them, Tamaki. You didn't think about Aurores feelings," Kyoya said. Tamaki sat there confused.

"I don't understand. Why would Aurore get upset about Nekozawas sister mistaking me for her big brother?"

"That's not what she is upset about."

"Then what?"

"Think Senpai. You said you were an only child," Haruhi said. Tamaki tilted his head in confusion.

"Look at it from Aurores perspective. Most of her life she didn't have a family, until your father came into her life. You and your dad became her family. She gained a father and brother she never had. She stopped thinking of herself an orphan," Kyoya explained.

It had finally clicked in Tamaki's head, why Aurore was mad at him.

"You understand now Senpai?" Haruhi asked.

"Yes!" Tamaki screamed jumping up and sprinting out the door and grabbing Ai along the way.

*-*-*-*Aurore POV*-*-*-*

I sat in my room staring out the window, watching the rain fall. I wiped tears from my face.

Tamaki is right. He is an only child. I have know right to think that they are my family, even my own family didn't want me. I should be here....

I hugged the pillow on my lap.

I shouldn't have dropped Ai, she is my best friend.

More tears ran from my eyes.

Tamaki looked so happy when that imposter called him brother. He even said he always wanted a younger sibling....But he already has me....Maybe he just didn't like me. Tamaki didn't get a say when his father adopted me...

I squeezed the pillow tighter.

I guess it doesn't matter. It's all my fault anyway. Tamaki probably wants a sister he can do fun stuff with...Stuff I can't do...All because I am confined to a wheelchair...

"Aurore!" Tamakis's voice yelled. Shortly after my door opened with a loud bang. I didn't move and inch.

Tamaki came over to me and spun my chair around. I looked at him with blank eyes.

"I am so sorry, Aurore! I wasn't thinking when I said I was any only child!" Tamaki apologized.

"But, you were right Tamaki. You are an only child, I am just an Orphan," I said looking down. Tamaki placed his hands on either side of my face, making me look at him.

"Don't talk like that, Aurore. You aren't an Orphan, you have Dad and I. We are your family," Tamaki said.

"Now your not, we aren't blood related, you are just people who adopted me. My real family abandoned me."

Tamaki looked at me with sad eyes. We sat in silence. Time dragged on, making it seem like hours had passed before Tamaki spoke.

"You're right, we aren't blood related. . We are soul related," Tamaki said.

"Soul related?" I mumbled.

"Yep, soul related! You and I were siblings in a past life. Henceforth, we are related by our souls, which is what cooler than being ing blood related," Tamaki explained. I looked at him with wide eyes. "As a symbol of our soul relation, I give you this."

Tamaki picked up Ai and held her out to me. Tears sprang from my eyes as I launched my self at him. Big brother caught me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around my brothers neck and pulled myself closer to him.

"I am so sorry! I love you Big Brother!" I cried. Tamaki arms tightened around me.

"I love you to Sis, forever and always," Tamaki said.

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