Ch.13: Doctors

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"How are you feeling?"  Dr. Hideaki. I smiled at him.

"I feel great!" I cheered. Dr. Hideaki laughed.

"Well, that good. We are going to test your reflexes now,"  Dr. Hideaki explained. I nodded. 

He tapped my knee with a little hammer and my leg swung, it repeated on the other leg. Dr. Hideaki then proceeded to do a regular check up on me. I giggled what the cold stethoscope touched my back. 

"You are in great shape. I need to talk to your father for a few minutes,"  Dr. Hideaki said. My father nodded and followed him out of the room.

"Onii-chan you can breath now," I said looking at my brother as he let out a breath. He smiled at me.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Great! But the stethoscope was a little cold," I said. Brother nodded.

"So, who were talking on the phone to this morning?" Brother asked.

"Hana, she wanted to finalize the plans for the party. We decided to do it Monday after club hours," I said. Brother nodded. I yawned.

"Tired?" I nodded yawning again. Brother yawned after. "Geez now I am sleepy."

I yawned. Then he did. It repeated for several minutes. 

"Stop making me yawn!" Brother complained. 

"Yawn," I said. Brother yawned.

"Stop it!"


Brother let out a big yawn and I giggled. He came over to me and started to tickle me, making me laugh harder. Just then Daddy walked back in with Dr. Hideaki. We stopped and looked at him. Daddy smiled at me.

"I have good news!" Daddy said. I looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Dr. Hideaki has just explained to me that you are healthy enough to undertake a surgery."

"What kind of surgery?" Brother asked.

"It will allow Aurore to walk," Dr. Hideaki said. "Your father said it was up to you Aurore."

I can get my legs back?! I can walk for the very first time!

I smiled.

"Yes!" I said.

"You won't walk right away, you are going to have to go to rehab," Dr. Hideaki said.

"Okay! Even if I can walk short distances, it will be worth it," I said. Dr. Hideaki nodded.

"Very well."

"How soon will the surgery take place?" Brother asked.

"In 4 hours, our best surgeons will be performing the surgery," Dr. Hideaki.


"Alright, you ready Aurore?" Dr. Hideaki asked. I nodded. He placed a mask over my face. "Breath in deep and count to 10."



"Three." My eyes began to grow heavy.



Blackness consumed...


"Why isn't she awake yet?" A voice said.

"I don't know..." another said.

I opened my eyes and blinked the drozyness from them. I turned my head to my left to see brother and Honey looking at me worried.

"Onii-chan? Honey? Why do you look so sad?" I asked reaching out to Honey's hand. As I placed my hand on his arm, my hand went right through him.

"WHAT?" I said. I quickly sat up and launched myself at Honey and brother. I felt straight through them. I sat on the floor behind them.


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