Ch.12: Change

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"I like you."

Honey and I sat there frozen looking at each other. 

Did he just?! 

My face grew hotter.

"You like me?" I asked. Honey nodded blushing. I smiled brightly. "Thank goodness! I was worried you wouldn't like me and everything would get all awkward!"

"I thought the same thing!" Honey cheered. We looked at each other and laughed. "So, what now?"

I looked down at Ai and played with her arms.

From what I have seen, when two people like each other they start dating. Unless you like a Host then it more one sided with the exception of Host liking the person back. So...

"It would be awkward to continue being friends, knowing we like each other more than friends," I asked not looking at Honey.

"So, you will be my girlfriend," Honey said. I looked up at him.

"And you will be my boyfriend," I said looking into Honey's eyes.

"So, what couples do exactly?" Honey asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know we can ask Onii-chan, he seems to be an expert on romance. Except he can't come to terms that he is in love with Haruhi. Let's ask Kyoya," I suggested. Honey nodded. We made our way to brother.

"Hey Kyo-chan," Honey said. Kyoya looked at him.

"What is it, Honey?"

"What do couples do?" Honey asked. Everyone fell silent and looked at Honey.

"Well, couples usually go on dates, hold hands, hug and kiss each other. All while getting to know each other better and fall in love. Why do ask?" Kyoya asked.

"Because Aura-chan and I don't know how to be a couple," Honey said. Kyoya smirked. Brother looked between Honey and I connecting the dots. 

"YES!!!!!" Hana yelled. "FINALLY!"

Then it sunk in.

"WWWHHHAAAATTTT?!" Tamaki yelled. The hosts winced.

"There's no need to yell Senpai," Haruhi deadpanned. Brother ignored her and glared at me.

"You are too young to date!" Brother yelled.

"No, I am not! I am 16!" I yelled back.

"Then Honey is too old for you!"

"He isn't even a year older than me! You're just making excuses because you jealous that I started dating before you did!"

"I am not!"

"You are too! Don't try to deny it! You have weird fantasies about Haruhi all the time! Not to mention you are always talking about her!"

"She is my daughter!"

"I am not you daughter senpai," Haruhi chimed in. Brother again ignored her.

"No, she isn't! Why can't you accept that I am dating Honey?" I asked.

"Because you're my little sister and it's my job to protect you!" Tamaki yelled. I smiled at him.

"No one is going to steal me away, I am always going to be your little sister! Plus, Honey never would hurt me because he isn't the kind of person who would and our feelings are mutual."

Brother fell silent and looked at me then to Honey.

"Do you like my sister?" Brother asked. Honey nodded.

"I like her very much!" Honey declared. Brother looked at me.

"Very well, then I will allow it with a few conditions. One if you two ever break up the decision is mutual. Two, you will have kids after you're married. Finally, I want to give a speech at your wedding," Brother said.

"Of course, though you are getting ahead of yourself Onii-chan? We only started dating a few minutes ago and admitted we like each other not long before that," I said.

"Oh I know, I just have a feeling and it might take awhile to write a speech," Brother said. I laughed.

"Okay, you do that," I said. Brother smiled at me and looked at the clock.

"Unfortunately, it's time to go," Brother said. I nodded.

"I will see you later Honey," I said. We gave each other a hug and brother pushed me out the door.

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