Ch.14: I REFUSE!!!

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"Onii-chan? Honey? Why do you look so sad?" I asked reaching out to Honey's hand. As I placed my hand on his arm, my hand went right through him.

"WHAT?" I said. I quickly sat up and launched myself at Honey and brother. I fell straight through them. I sat on the floor behind them.


I looked up and around the room. I finally noticed the rest of the hosts and daddy were present in the room.

"Did something go wrong?" Brother asked holding my hand.

"No, the procedure was a success. I know of no reason why she wouldn't be awake," Daddy said.

"It seems that a chemical used during surgery is killing the bacteria that caused Aurore's disease,"  Dr. Hideaki.

"So, Aurore's dying?" Daddy asked. The room stopped.

"I AM NOT DYING! I REFUSE TO DIE!!" I yelled out to no one.

"No, she isn't dying. Just in a coma," Dr. Hideaki said. "But I am afraid I won't know when she will wake up."

*-*-*-*Day 1-3rd POV*-*-*-*

"You got to wake up! You still have your party to attend and you first date with Honey! So wake up 'kay?" Hana said looking at Aurore. Tears formed in her eyes. 

"Yeah! We still have tons of pranks to pull!" The twins said.

"The Host Club is boring without you around," Haruhi said.

"I still need to lecture you about having a boyfriend!" Tamaki said.

"Now's not the right time Senpai," Haruhi deadpanned.

"Mommy Haruhi's being mean to her daddy!" Tamaki cried clinging on to Kyoya. Kyoya sighed and pushed up his glasses. His eyes drifted to Mori and Honey. Honey held Aurore's hand tightly while looking at her with sad eyes. Mori stood by the window watching everyone.

Aurore danced around the room trying to get their attention. Still no one noticed her. She sighed and leaned against the wall, knowing she wouldn't fall through. After all, she was confined to the small hospital room.

*-*-*-*Day 5*-*-*-*

"How is she?" Tamaki asked.

"She is still in a coma and still unresponsive," a nurse said.

"It's been five days, shouldn't she have woken up by now?" Tamaki asked.

"These things take time," the nurse said before leaving the room. Tamaki sighed and flopped down in the chair next to the bed. He looked over to his sister.

"Aurore..." Tamaki said. He picked up Ai-chan and placed her next to Aurore. He grabbed her small hand between his hands. "I know I have been a horrible brother, I have been to over protective and treated you like a little kid. I never had a sibling before. When dad first said I had a sister I panicked, I didn't know how to act like a big brother and I still don't. I promise when you wake up, I will be a better brother, and I won't even lecture you about having a boyfriend..."

Tamaki trailed off and yawned. He drifted off to sleep, his head resting on the edge of the bed. He still held his sister's hand.

"Goodnight Aurore," Tamaki said as he fell asleep in the same spot like he did every night since day 1.

Aurore laid next to her body looking out the window, watching the sunset. She heard the door open and close, she didn't bother to turn around, she knew who it was.

"Her condition hasn't changed," the doctor said. The nurse walked over and replaced Aurore's IV bag.

"And her brother hasn't left her side," the nurse said looking at the sleeping boy next to his sister. The doctor nodded.

"Hopefully, she won't be out much longer," the doctor said. The nurse nodded in agreement. They left the room. Tamaki's hand gripped Aurore's tighter.

*-*-*-*2 weeks and 4 days*-*-*-*

Aurore paced around the room, getting fed up of no one being able to see her, not being able to hug her brother or father. 

"Son, you need to come home and get proper sleep," her dad said. Tamaki shook his head.

"No, I am not leaving her side," Tamaki said. Her dad sighed.

"I know you are worried about her, I am too...But you are falling behind on your studies. Aurore wouldn't want you to fall ill."

Tamaki ignored him.

"Come on. Will come back tomorrow," her dad said. Tamaki shook his head.

"If Aurore wakes up and no one is here she might get scared. I am not leaving her side," Tamaki said. Her father sighed and placed his hand on Tamaki's shoulder.

"I didn't want to tell you this, but the doctors are talking about her never waking up," her dad said. Aurore stopped pacing.

"No, Aurore will wake up," Tamaki said beginning to cry. Aurore began to shake.

"I am never gonna wake up? I am gonna be stuck by myself in this tiny room forever?" Aurore muttered. Thoughts of the life she could have drifted before hers eyes, images of the Hosts life without her. If she were to die, everyone will be sad at first and over time she will fade out into a distant memory. 

"Come on. It's time to go," her father said. Tamaki lowered his head in defeat.

"No. No. NO! I AM GOING TO WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" Aurore screamed. She dived bombed into her body, but was pushed back out. She screamed.

"I am NOT GOING TO DIE! I AM GOING TO WAKE UP! I DON'T CARE IF NEVER WALK AGAIN! I REFUSE TO DIE! SO SCREW YOU DEATH!" Aurore roared before leaping into her body. She fought against the force trying to pry her out of her body....







Tamaki began to stand to leave, when a hand tightened around his own. He froze.

"Onii-chan...don't leave..." A cracked voice said.



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