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Henry and Ralph were on the bathroom ground on their stomachs drawing out plan on their sketchbooks.

Henry caught himself staring at Ralph

Ralph noticed but allowed him to stare. After all he had nothing to hide and he found it sort of cute.

Meanwhile—Henry was considering how he would remark the paper that's still inside his pockets—and how it can be useful, he didn't even realized he was staring.

They drew moody margret snd sour Susan awfully on purpose just to make fun of them.

Henrys legs were going side to side as he sketched his horrid plan and Ralph was sticking his tounge out and tilting his head to get the perfect angle to draw.

"Look, I've got it!" Yelled out Henry as he shoved the paper to Ralph's face. He took a look and raised an eyebrow. "How's that gonna work?" Asked Ralph.

"With this!" Henry pulled out the crumbled paper and handed it to him.

"Oh! I get it now, this will be so cool!" Ralph exclaimed. The duo got up on their feet and high fived each other

They both stuff their books inside their bag and wait for the bell to ring, meanwhile Henry is struggling to shove his hair back inside his cap

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They both stuff their books inside their bag and wait for the bell to ring, meanwhile Henry is struggling to shove his hair back inside his cap.

"Y'know, we've got to think of a girl name for you for our plan to work." Thought Ralph aloud.

Henry scoffed "I've already got one..." he—

well— SHE didn't like the idea of the name but it did match her in some way. After Henry finished with her hair situation she turned to Ralph and put her hands on her hips. "My names Henrietta." She said proudly - ish?

"PFFt—hAhA—Henrietta?! You've got to be joking!!" Giggled Ralph.

"I'm not joking!!" She blushed from embarrassment.

"Fine, I guess it'll work!" Ralph considered.


"Time to go! You ready?"


They both sneaked through the hallways where it was filled with kids going to their next period classes. "We've got art class now!" Gleamed Henrietta. "Yeah!"

They ran past students, shoving and pushing to get rid of the loud chatter echoing.

When they made it inside, they sat with their team, the purple hand gang. They've immediately got to work and drew out some upcoming raids to attempt.


The last 10 minutes of class was their time to leave, before anyone else. Ralph tapped on Henrietta's shoulder to get her attention, signaling her it's time to go—she quickly got ahead and they both sneaked out.

"Easy." Said Henrietta.

"—as usual." Continued Ralph.

"Now for phase 2 !" She said.

They entered the school gym and as expected, it was crowded with volunteers.

The piece of paper of the rockstar—girl was actually an audition, where only girls who can play instruments can attend. Therefor, Henry thought it was a good idea to volunteer.

Henry loved guitars and she loves music, she also loves attention. —And that's exactly what she need for this plan.

Henrietta released her hair out and gave Ralph her cap.

She then pushed, and shoved against the long line of girls to get in the front of the line—many girls were shouting and complaining but the gym was too loud for anyone to notice. Ralph followed behind her also shoving, pushing and gripping onto the cap in his hands—he also kept his head low, knowing he isn't a girl.

"Stay right here!" Said the girl and Ralph obeyed. He was in a corner. He eyes Henrietta running towards the front of the stage where the leader was at—until she got stopped by another girl.

The random girl grabbed onto Henrietta's shoulder and spoke—
"What do you think youre-"

Henrietta turned around to face the girl, it was Margaret.

Margret wasn't dumb, she knew what Henry looks like and she currently has a big case of dejavu. "Have I see-" she stared, until she looked down to Henrietta's clothes.

Cyan and yellow jumper. 


Henrietta slapped her hand onto Margaret's mouth to stop her from shouting out her real identity. "Henry? Pfft who's Henry?" She played. "Oh, this jumper?? Haha! I've got this from the— uhm... the dump!" She continued

Margret got out of Henry's hand and spat on the ground.

"Don't play dumb! I know who you are and you're not about to ruin this big moment from me." Margret scoffed.

She then pushed Henrietta to the ground and got up stage, it was her turn to audition. Henrietta got back up and ran towards the stage before Margret could.

She pushed Margret and got in front.

"Excuse me! Can I audition?" Henrietta asked the leader of the band.

"Hm.." she eyed the pleading girl up and down. "You've got the look , yet your image can improve.." she got out of her seat and walked around Henrietta still looking at her.

Henrietta got a bit embarrassed having someone look at her top from bottom. So she just stayed still.

"Can you play the guitar?" Asked the leader.

"Ye-!"        "NO, he can't!" Interrupted Margret, "SHES A FRUAD! SHES NOT ACTUALLY A GIRL!!" Margret shouted and ratted out Henry but before she could say anymore, security escorted her. "UGH!! I KNOW WHO YOU REALLY ARE HEN—"

SLAM.       (The door closed.)

"U—uhm.. yes. I can play the guitar.." She continued. The whole crowd was silent making her voice echo.

"Hm. We'll talk about this tomorrow, so far—you're on my ' consider list.' She sat back down.

"what's your name?"


She then wrote down her name. "See you later—maybe—Henrietta. NEXT!!"

She sighed in relief and ran back to Ralph. "I got in!!"

"HaHaa—I've heard." Chuckled Ralph.


"Cmon! Lets go watch rapper zappers new episode at my place!" Said Ralph.


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