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While unfolding her sleeping bag, she began having second thoughts of the plan. Henry was always the one who loved attention, but Henrietta is completely opposite from Henry. Henrietta hates it when people stare, hates it when receives any sort of pity, at this point, Henrietta wanted to be Henry. She missed it when she was able to play without feeling odd. She didn't wasn't to be known as a girl, she hated how her hair was, messy, thick and curly.

Henrietta didn't notice she was staring at her bed until Ralph opened the door. "I've got the snacks!" He cheerfully celebrated. "Are ya ready?" He asked, while setting the food down on his night stand. "Yeah." She smiled.

Her sleeping bag was next to Ralph's bed and in front the night stand. Ralph started scrolling through different varieties of shows and movies, waiting for one to get picked on by the duo. Henrietta subconsciously took occasional peaks at Ralph, glancing at the concentrated—yet, agitated male. "Ohh, how about this one?" Said the brunette, pointing at the screen. He turned his head towards Henrietta to find her staring at him. He blushed.

Soon after her zone-out moment stopped, she turned to look at what he chose, it was a movie they watched along time ago. To change the subject of her staring she quickly spoke. "I remember that! Let's watch it!" She beamed. Ralph's face soften, he chose the movie and laid back. When all of a sudden he remembered.

He launched himself up from his bed and looked at his best friend again. "Ah! I'm so sorry!" He apologized, getting on his feet and rummaging through his closet—leaving the brunette confused. "What do you mean?" She asked in worry. Then, Ralph was seen with a change of his clothes, "Here, put these on." He said and gave her the clothes picked out. Henrietta smiled, not expecting such a caring form of affection or consideration.

She looked at what she was wearing currently. The dress from the mall, her original clothes were in the bag, but it was his school clothes form today. "Thank you," She stood up and faced Ralph. "No problem." He reassured, already at the door, he shut the door to give her some privacy.

Though, when they were both boys, they'd never minded changing in front one another. Yet, now it's awkward and it's only respectful to leave a person form the opposite gender to have some privacy.

Henrietta quickly changed into her given clothes, a pair of sweat pants and a band shirt. Once she was finished, she signaled Ralph to step in and so he did.

"Thanks," she said keeping her eyes glued on him. Ralph hummed and nodded. "Alright, let's get back with the movie!" He cheered happily. They both got comfortable in their beds and awaited for the movie to begin.

It's been halfway through the movie and Henrietta found Ralph asleep. Throughout watching, they were snickering, laughing and eating. Henrietta found herself smiling, she picked up the remote control and turned off the television, ready to head to bed. When all of a sudden, a hand reached her wrist. She jumped a bit, not expecting any physical touch from a sleeping person. She looked up at Ralph to find him still asleep, though with his hand grasping onto her wrist. Not rough, but also not loose.

"Are you awake?" She asked, feeling stupid from the question. To no surprise he didn't answer, only tugged her closer. This startled the girl, "okay, okay." She giggled, guessing that Ralph wanted to share his bed.

She crept under the covers and ran her fingers through his hair. This feeling she was feeling was odd to her, never in a million years would she ever think this would ever happen. But it is. And she doesn't mind at all. She found herself relaxing into the warmth of her best friend, in no time, she fell asleep with him.


Ralph shot his eyes open from the abrupt alarm, while Henrietta lazily opened hers. They found themselves staring directly into each other's eyes. Their noses touching. They were too close. The duo could see each other's blush form. In the inside, they didn't want to move but in the outside, it'll only be awkward if they didn't. So they did.

"I'm so, so, sorry." Henrietta shyly apologized, shutting her eyes and rubbing behind her head, keeping a hand up in defense. Ralph kept his flushed face revealed, not really processing correctly. "Oh, it's okay!" He assured, "I don't mind."

"It's just that— last night you were pulling me to you, so I guessed you wanted me to come over and so I did and now we'r—" Ralph covered her mouth using his hand. Laughing, Ralph kept his head down, "I said it was okay!"

"No need to explain.." Ralph said, "wait,"

"You said I pulled you?!" He shrieked in embarrassment. Henrietta nodded.

"O-oh." He managed to mutter out, "well then u should be the one to be sorry!" He said, still feeling embarrassed.

Henrietta got out of bed and reached over to Ralph's hand. She pulled him up with her. "Let's go, we're going to be late!" She said. "Oh, yeah!" He remembered, they then looked and rummaged through the room, looking for an outfit for school.

Ralph wore his red jacket with black pants, while Henrietta only had her dirty sweater from yesterday and her dress. Ralph noticed, without saying a word, he tossed her a clean shirt from his closet and looked for a pair of pants along with the shirt given.

Ralph was turned around, looking though his drawers for some trousers, Henrietta was behind him, changing her shirt unbothered. 

"Do you think this'll fit? Or does it need a belt?" He asked, holding some baggy pants and turning around to face his best friend.

Ralph stood still, shocked in what was in his line of sight. Henrietta felt eyes on her from the corner of her eye, she turned to face the brunette only to find him staring at her. She was currently shirtless, with only her bra on. "Oh, shit.." She muttered out. 'I'm a girl!!' She internally screamed at herself. "Ackkk!! Turn around!!" She cried out at the boy still staring at her. She felt as if his eyes were burning holes onto her. Ralph quickly realized he was staring and swiftly covered his eyes. "I'M SORRY!" He yelled out.
( half—laughing, half—crying )

Henrietta put on the shirt previously given and walked up to Ralph who still had the baggy pants in his hand, though, he used the pants to cover his eyes.

Henrietta was infront of the male, still flushed, she grabbed the baggy pants off his face. They were both in shock, Henrietta being mentally shocked and Ralph being both physically and mentally. "I'm gonna pretend that never happened.." Said Ralph, Henrietta scrunched her face, eyebrows furrowed. Her blush grew from the comment.

"Shut up." She said, Henrietta was currently considering punching the male or not, simply for being an embarrassment or just because he's pissing her off in some way.

She loudly sighed, specifically for Ralph to hear her annoyance. She grabbed her cap and roughly stuffed her hair inside, attempting to keep her look as a boy.

"Let's go now." They said in union.

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