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It's the beginning of 3rd period and Henrietta still hasn't come to school yet. Ralph began to get worried wondering why she was taking so long to arrive.

Ralph sat on his assigned seat, impatiently waiting for his best friend. He was saving a spot for her beside him.

Eventually, the door swing open to reveal a hurried student, it was Henrietta, only- she wasn't wearing her usual neon jumper this time. She had on a red shirt.

To Ralph, it reminded him of one of Peter's shirts.

' But that'll be impossible? Peter's shirts used to never fit Henrietta, let alone Ralph. ' a shiver went down his spine when he remembered a time where Henry forced him to wear Peter's cloths for a couple of pictures.

"How embarrassing.." he mumbled to himself. "What's embarrassing?" Asked Henrietta. Ralph got caught off guard. "Geez, sorry Mr. fashion king, I forgot to do my laundry yesterday which is why I'm wearing this." Henrietta rolled her eyes.

"Huh? What?!" Ralph interrupted. "I never said you looked bad!" Ralph confirmed.

Henrietta raised his brow. "Then?"

"It was just an embarrassment memory I had." He rubbed his hand behind his head, feeling nervous.

"How come Peter's shirt fits you now?" Asked Ralph, curiously. Henrietta took awhile to answer or even process the question. "It might sound wield but, ever since I became a girl.."

She paused, Ralph seemed more concerned.

"..My body has changed." She finished off, looking aside. Ralph felt his face burn up. "So you mean—"

Before Ralph finished off his sentence he decided it was best to stay curious. He stayed silent.

In a second, class began.



"I confronted my parents."

"Oh!" Ralph didn't know if he should feel worried. "How'd they react?"

"Surprisingly, they weren't mad." She smiled.

Ralph sighed in relief.

The last bell rang, it was the end of school! Unfortunately, Henrietta has remember about her acceptance card from yesterday. "Ralph! I forgot to tell you, I got accepted for the band!"

"What really?! When's it start?" He asked intrigued. "today, after school, which is now." 

Henrietta cleared her throat, "can you come with me?"

Ralph smiled, "of course."

The duo made their way to the auditorium. A view of girls lined up with an instructor facing them were shown. Ralph and Henrietta hadn't entered yet, they only peeked inside. "That looks scary." Said Ralph. Henrietta gulped. The brunette sensed his friend's discomfort. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." He reassured while wrapping an arm around her. "Let's head inside."

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