part one : Hell to Earth

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Here ,The place where everyone is scared to go , where devils live , where love is a crime, being pure hearted is illegal.. THE HELL , which is now burning in fire now.. King and Queen of hell with the 1st prince and princess of hell are here trying to stop the fire although the king and queen were loving the screams coming out from the houses but because the prince insisted on stopping they are here but the fire is too much for them to stop now , it has ruined almost every house there..

" See, I told ya.. if you both didn't took this much time then maybe the houses and our people would be safe" Prince of the hell shouted at the king and queen as the king looked at him dark aura.. " Jin! You are being pure and kind hearted.. Are you slowly turning into an Ingle " Kim Suho, the king of hell Asked.. Now, you all must be confused who is Ingle? Well The king of hell , means the one who created it made the rule to call the Angels of ingle because he didn't wanted the name ANGEL to be taken in hell..

" W- what no? Ofcourse no! How could I be a ingle,I am the prince of hell" Jin said stuttering abit.. " Then why are you not enjoying son? The screams of people..Ah! Such a pleasure! " Kim Hara , queen of hell said.. Jin ignored her and was about to go to stop the fire but King held his hand

" You are not going it!" " Why? Why he can't go there? " Kim Nancy, sister of Jin and princess of hell said " you both are enjoying it? This is HELL and who will you rule if this place burns? Oh okay! You and Your so called queen will be ruling over each other , that maybe better! " Nancy was about to go there but the queen slapped her " Is this the way you talk to elders Nancy? Is this what I tought you to disrespect elders? " Queen said in a angry voice.. " What you tought me? Oh yeah you tought me how to - .. " before Nancy could say anything jin interrupted

" Enough Nancy.. Go and Please Stop the fire" Jin said and Nancy was about to go but queen held her hand And stopped her, fire was growing and was burning everything, Everything was burned , but there in a house a 2 months kid was crying.. Jin and Nancy couldn't say anything Because king and queen were stopping them..

That's when they felt a something or maybe someone flew very fastly above their head as they looked , there was a person in all black with big fluffy Black wings he was flying, he flew inside the house grabbing the baby and took him out as he stood far from the fire , the baby crying a minute ago was looking at tae with big doe eyes and a small smile, tae opened his arms as rain started, King and Queen looked at The person with angriness in their eyes..

" Taehyung " Nancy muttered , and the Queen looked at Taehyung..

After a good minutes of glaring at Taehyung king and queen finally looked at fire which was now over..Tae got down as the parents of the Child came to him and held his feet.. " Thank You Prince.. you saved our child " Taehyung gave the baby to his parents as they went away not before bowing to the Kim Family..

" Taehyung! " King Roared, But Taehyung ignored him and flew away as king kept shouting his name..After getting inside the palace , king saw Taehyung sitting on his throne like a boss.. " KIM TAEHYUNG! " King again roared as tae look at him.." How dare you! You sat on my throne! " King said but tae was sitting like that eating his apple unbothered..

" I asked you something!" King went infront of tae made him stand and slapped him hardly that made tae to again fall on the throne, the whole palace echoed the sound of slap.. that's when the others entered inside..

" Enough with you all Now!! I am fed up , WHY DID YOU SAVE THE CHILD AND STOPPED THE FIRE!! " Suho screamed.. " JIN! NANCY! Both of you pack your bags and tae's too.. You three are leaving this palace "

" What? But King where will these three go all alone? " Queen asked.. " They will not go alone, Jimin and soobin will go with them and They are going to EARTH" Suho said

" Earth?" Queen gasped as she looked at her husband" Earth? You mean X planet earth? Why king? That place is dangerous " Queen said. Scaring Nancy well, the people of hell and heaven were always told that EARTH the plant X was very dangerous and was full of bad and disgusting people.. That place is worse than HELL

" I am ready! Atleast that place is better than this " Tae said coldly and left while jin and Nancy followed him..

On Earth, A boy in White was sitting on his chair looking out of his glass window.." Huff! This life! I wish I could get someone besides me to love and care for me " As he said it a boy barged inside panting heavily

" Jungkook - ah? You are still sitting here , aish I just can't with you! Come on metting is in 2 minutes! " A male with blonde hair said coming inside..
" Yeonjun ,I am so sorry I totally forgot about it.. " Jungkook said as he stood walking up to the meeting hall.. That's when his phone Rang as he picked up the call..

" Jungkook! Baby,I have to talk something important come home soon!" His dad spoke and cut the call..

What do you all think? What jk's dad want to talk ? Will Taekook meet?



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