8: Blood

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Marshall's POV

A tear ran down my face. A tear. This made no sense, why did I care about her so much? I grasped every last part of Fionna as if she was slowly fading away into dust. Her Vanilla scent filled my nose, making me fill with happiness. I held on to her soft, angelic hair and she grew red. She asked me in the sweetest voice, "but why?"

It was time to get serious again. UG.

I let go of her reluctantly, and we settled ourselves back on my couch.

I started in a low tone, "she hates humans, she always has." Fionna looked me in the eyes as I spoke; my hair dripping over my eyes. "if she knew one was my ...friend..." I shivered at that terrible word again. It surprisingly brought a frown to her face too.

I continued, "she would have me taken back to the nighto'sphere." She put a warm hand on my shoulder which sent trills down my spine, shouting, "she can't do that!"

My expression deepened more.

"Yes she can." Fionna wiped an almost dry tear from my face, bringing a smile to it. "How?"

"She rules the nighto'sphere, she can do whatever she wants."

Fionna looked down at her toes as I did. I wanted to hug her again, but I knew that would just be too much. She would know. And I didn't know why I didn't want her to know that. It was just my dirty little secret, I guess.

Fionna just looked depressed. I thought of all the things depression could lead to- NO. Why was I so protective over her?!?

I still needed fionna to feel better. That was a very depressing turn in our perfect day. We still had time left.

"Fi, lets just forget about this for awhile and go adventuring. While the sun is still down." I suggested, which came with a toothy grin.

Her smile brightened, and she nodded.


Fionnas POV

Marshall took me by the hand, pulling me out his front door, and into the night. I was so happy he was my... Friend. He was always there for me, when cake wasn't. I loved cake, but the feeling I got in my stomach when I was around Marshall.. It was overpowering.

He threw another hand under my legs, carrying me bridal style through the cold air. I found it fascinating how he could fly. every time it happened, I about thought how cool it would be. I didn't even know where we were going, and frankly, I didn't care. As long as I had him with me.

...But I was slightly curious as to where we were headed to. Not enough to ask. I just wanted to sit there In Marshall's arms all day.

That didn't happen, though.

We landed near a dark forest, the grass crisp and green. He set me down gently, like a flower.

"What is this place?" I asked him. He smirked at me, floating peacefully on his back, "I have no idea. It looked interesting." I looked up at him, who was now doing delicate circles around me, "oh. Math. Alright marsh, lets go."

as i started walking into the dark forest, I could feel something out of place. I looked back to Marshall, who was still standing there, where we had landed, with a dumbfounded look on his face. He didn't follow me..


Marshall's POV

I stood there for awhile like an idiot. I had been badly effected by the nickname "marsh". I snapped out of my deep thoughts when I heard Fionna's voice, "come on marshy!" MARSHY. That was even Worse. Just that word sent chills down my spine, and a spark to my heart. But they were good chills, the ones you get when you... like someone a lot. I acted on impact, and yelled back to the adventuress, "on my way bunny!"

I wanted to smack my self in the face. Why did I say that? Hopefully she wouldn't take it wrong.

It seems as if the color from all the reddest strawberries had just gone to her face. Delicious. She smiled at me, probably thinking how stupid that was. I decided to just go with it. That would be her nickname, wether she liked it or not.

I flew over close to her, leaving few inches between us. I could feel the warmth of her skin as we walked. It was silent for a while, until she broke it. "This forest is nothing special." She said, while jumping over a tree stump. "Maybe." I slyly told her, showing fangs. She giggled at my actions, and raised an eyebrow.

We continued through the forest, until I heard a loud growling noise.

"Finally!" She said.

I laughed at her excitement, as she started to run towards the ongoing sound. I followed my adventuress, floating several feet above her.

I loved how she would laugh in the face of danger. It's like: "ooh, a 5000 pound, human killing, evil monster, SOUNDS LIKE FUN!" To me, it was adorable.

We eventually reached a tall stone wall, a dead end. So much fog had formed around us now, that we couldn't tell where the top of the wall was. Fionna looked around, confused. "Well where is it?!" She asked me. I plainly shrugged at her, showing my pearly fangs. We could both still hear the sound, but now it was coming more from above.

I wished it would have hit me sooner. The thing was on the top of the wall.

We both jumped back as the thing landed inches away, roaring.

It was a mutant bear.

Of course, this was one of prince bumbutts experiments gone wrong. I remember the day the candy kingdom had to be evacuated because of this fella. Heheh. Good times.

I knew Fionna could fight this guy off.

That was, until I heard "Marsh, I don't think I can beat this guy..." From her.

It's amazing how a few simple words can motivate someone so quickly. I wish I hadn't said them.

"I believe in you bunny."

She turned a sweet shade of pink, nodded, and turned to face the bear. It ferociously growled at her, showing its sharp teeth, sending few spit droplets at her face.

I had to admit, I was impressed with the bear. its teeth were almost as sharp as my fangs.

Fionna ran up its leg, jumping onto its arm, landing on its face, sword in her hands. She smiled back at me, moving her sword across its furry face, leaving a huge gash.

A wonderful aroma hit me.

BLOOD. Blood spilled out of the bears face, tasty, delicious, blood. Dark and red. oh, how much I wanted the blood. But it was just bear blood, nothing I couldn't find for myself. I felt my fangs sharpen, and decided to look away. The smell was still intoxicating.

With my back turned, I could hear a scream. A girls scream. FI's SCREAM. I had to turn around.

The monster was gone, but no bunny in sight. I heard a slight moan, and flew towards the direction of it. As I got closer, the fog cleared, and I was left, with a bleeding fionna.


My eyes went red.

My fangs sharpened themselves.

I neared my prey.











NO! I literally slapped myself in the face, making my fangs dull and my eyes switch back to black. I COULDN'T HURT HER!! What was I thinking?!?

Fionna was badly clawed up on her right leg, and on her back. Four marks on her back, and five on her leg. Blood gushed.

I overpowered the want to bite her. She needed medical attention, fast. I wanted to make sure she was always safe - That was all I cared about.

I picked her up, dipping my hands into her warm blood. I didn't care. All of my vampire instincts were shut down temporarily. She was out cold. I flew up, and out of the trees as fast as I could, sparing no time. I didn't know where to take her for this kind of thing.

It hit me, and I sighed.

Gumbutt's hospital.

I flew faster than I ever have, Fionna's blood whipping in the wind. I could barley see anything, and dIn mere seconds, I was at gumball's castle. I impatiently knocked on the front doors, unconsciously grinding my teeth as I held my bunny tightly. Her head fell back, and her hat fell off, letting her luscious golden hair loose. I took her head and propped it up, just when no one other than prince gumball opened the door with a bright smile. "Oh, Marshall lee, what are you doing he-...." He cut himself off. The look on his face was a mix of madness, sadness, and complete terror. He examined Fionna, still wide eyed.

"Oh...oh my glob...Get her to the infirmary immediately!" He said worriedly, pointing inside of the castle. I didn't dare refuse.


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(terribly written) Fiolee: a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now