23: the sneakover

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Marshall Lee had been thinking.

Specifically, about a certain bunny girl who lived in a tree. He had kissed her a handful of times- every time being almost complete heaven to him, and he hoped the feeling was mutual. He thought she was pretty- gorgeous even, and her personality wasn't any different. The only thing he hadn't thought of- was what he thought of her.

Doesn't make any sense, right? That's what he thought too.

The truth is for a while now he had been planning to ask her on an actual date with him, and it wasn't that urgent, so he really just ended up not doing it. That was before brees stepped into the picture. Now, it was like he had to jump at his chance with her while he still had it or else it would be taken by the shape shifter, and at that thought, Marshall lee plunged his fist into the wall. He obviously really disliked the dude.

Wiggling his now aching hand out of the drywall, Marshall sighed. He had the confidence. He had the looks; the personality. Obviously she had liked him back; he hoped. So why was it whole big thing to him? Why was he struggling with the words, "will you go out with me?" he had never gone through a dilemma like this before, and he started to notice he was getting a headache at the thought, so he had stopped thinking about it.

But then again, he was Marshall Lee the vampire king. What was so hard about asking a girl out? Nothing. Because it finally came to his mind that- fionna is no ordinary girl. She was a brave fearless adventuress who didn't give two shits about lovey-dovey things and boyfriends and all that. That was exactly the problem.

Marshall's hand met the cold doorknob a few seconds later, twisting and opening it to the outside world, letting the cool air surround him like it was water. His thoughts were centered only on his current problem and how he could convince her.


(Continuing from the previous chapter)

Fionna and Marshall had walked out the tree fort's humble but poorly built door, fionna's mind on the ice queen and Marshall's on fionna. They began walking side by side at noon and by the time they reached the line between the snow and grass, it was nearly 1. Fionna tiredly huffed while Marshall playfully flew around her head on his back, his hands behind his own head.

"don't you wish you were me sometimes?" Marshall boasted, flashing a fang at her, still riding in the air.

"no, cause you're a dork." fionna caught her breath. "i don't want to be a dork."

he flicked her head, and she replied with a humorous, "hey!" to which made him smile also. "youre already a dork." he explained. she laughed, and he finished, landing on the ground beside her, sliding his slender fingers into hers, "lets be dorks together."

she blushed slightly and laughed again, dipping her feet into the cold snow.

she had tried her best- she really did, but sometimes the cold is just too much for one person to handle, especially for a human. fionna ended up asking Marshall lee for a piggyback ride, to which he happily threw her onto his back in response to, no words needed. he began floating to the ice queens castle, making darn well sure he didn't drop her.

the wind felt good in fionna's face, the way it dried out her eyes in the matter of two seconds and how it make her hair flail around the way it did every which way. she held on tight and smiled into the back of his neck.

they arrived at almost 2. Marshall lee dropped fionna through the balcony window that was oh so conveniently placed just exactly where the ice queen was, and Marshall leaned against the ice frame, not wanting to get into a fight with his dear old friend Simone, who he'd rather not be even close to at the moment or any moment for that matter. the things he did for fionna.

the ice queen was... not decent. but then again, was she ever? her dress was scattered all over the floor in pieces and all that was left on her body was a long silver nightgown with a sparkly snowflake on it. she grumbled throughout the room, completely ignoring the girl who had just crawled through her window and the boy who was leaning up against it.
fionna caught her mumbling things like, "stupid penguin..." and "never let guntah play with the crown again" and lastly "or the chainsaw..." while she picked up the scrap pieces of her blue dress, only to open a closet full of identical dresses just like the scrapped one.

fionna flinched. "...ice queen?"

the ice queen immediately flipped around and slammed the closet doors like there was something she didn't want fionna to see in there. she put her back to the ice and looked straight at fionna, casually throwing a half-shaved leg over the other. "ah, tomboy. are you here for that sleepover i set up?" the ice queen asked, her voice filled with glee.

fionna raised an eyebrow, suddenly remembering when ice queen had invited her to a sleepover about a year ago. she said there would be games and pillow fights, and she could even read her some of her fan fiction, "the adventures of Finn and Jake", whoever they were.

she was about to say no when suddenly a genius idea popped into her head, and at the moment, also a smirk. she smiled at the ice queen. "that's exactly what I'm here for, ice queen."

Simone jumped for joy, running over to fionna and giving her a big cold polar bear hug. fionna knew for a fact that the ice queen wasn't really that evil, she was just lonely- and a little donked up in the head. she was finally let loose from the mother of tight hugs and gasped for air, adding, "I brought Marshall lee, too."

she could literally feel Marshall's glare in the back of her head without even turning around. he hopped off the window and walked over to fionna, staring at her with cold and helpless eyes. "what?" fionna questioned. he inched closer to her, whispering in her ear, "you're not serious, are you?"

she playfully pushed him away from herself, talking at a normal level, "of course i am.", trying to give him a wink, but he didn't catch on.

the ice queen clapped her hands together excitedly. "ooh, we can play spin the bottle." and with that, she left the room. fionna gave Marshall a look. "look, I'm hanging out with her to see if shes hiding anything evil!"

"i don't want to have a little sleepover with Simone." he snarled, shaking his head and sitting down on the ice queen's leopard printed bed. he had always thought that was a little inappropriate. she sat down next to him. "its not for long. i'll have a look around and if we don't find anything, you can go home."

considering this, he sighed. "what about you?"

"ill be fine with the ice queen." she smiled.

he growled. "on second thought... I'm not leaving you with her."

not a second later the ice queen burst through the door again, balancing what looked like a board game on her head, three mugs of hot chocolate in her left hand and in her right, a thick book. she sat next to the two, handing them each a mug and asking how many marshmallows they wanted. Marshall took three, fionna took five and the ice queen took... about sixteen. "the marshmallows are the best part." she exclaimed, popping a few in her mouth.

after a sip, the ice queen continued. "so you two wanna play some truths or dares?"

"that's a great idea." fionna lied through her teeth, adjusting herself on the bed. "ice queen, truth or dare."

the ice queen thought for a second before answering, "dare."

fionna looked around the room. there was a bed, a desk, a few picture frames, a statue of a boy with a bear hat and a funny looking dog, all made out of ice. then she spotted the-

"closet!" fionna exclaimed. "ice queen, i dare you to show me whats in your closet."

the ice queen blushed and pursed her lips together. "w-why?"
to which fionna responded with, "there doesn't have to be a reason. its truth or dare."

Marshall lee chuckled at fionna's quick thinking while the ice queen shuffled to her closet, opened it a peep, shut it, opened it, looked inside again-

"just open it Simone." Marshall lazily commented, eyeing the closet. the ice queen sighed and opened the closet along with a flustered blush filled face. she moved some dresses out of the way and-

"oh my glob." fionna gasped, trying not to burst out laughing. Marshall lee wasn't holding back his laughs like her, though- he laughed so hard.

there on the back of her closet wall was a montage of paper hearts and pictures pictures of prince bartelby gumball himself. most of them, he was in his swim trunks. "ice queen, that's sick." fionna laughed. "i know, isn't it silly." Simone agreed, laughing herself. she closed the closet.

the laughing had ceased after a few minutes and a few more rounds had gone on. fionna licked gunta, Marshall lee answered that in-fact, no, he didn't use any hair product, and the ice queen had put her hand over a flame.

by dark they were all laughing and fionna had decided that the ice queen wasn't such a bad lady after all. she was actually a pretty good gal. fionna's head was plopped in Marshall lee's lap by then, and he was gently stroking her hair. they carried on conversations smoothly until ice queen asked, "barshall, truth or dare."

marshall looked up at the ice queen, ignoring the fact that she didn't know his correct name. "truth."

the ice queen tilted her head to the side, thinking. "ooh, ooh. i have one." she announced. her eyes flickered from fionna back to Marshall. "who do you like?"

Marshall stopped, blushing non- visibly.

"well?" the ice queen asked.



all three heads flipped towards the window immediately as a dark figure emerged from it. it took a step, balanced itself, and almost collapsed when fionna ran over to it and helped it up. she got a better look at their features, and then suddenly dropped them out of shock. "prince gumball?!" he smacked his face on the floor.

"fionna.." gumball gasped. "ive been looking all over AAA for you..."

she quickly steered him to the bed and let him sit down. "why?" marshall gave gumball a worried glare.

he coughed. "the amulet.."

fionna looked down at the amulet that was tied around her neck, a matching one to Marshall's except hers was blue, and occasionally it glowed like it was doing now. "what, this?" she held it between her fingers, smoothing them over the stone.

another cough. "i know what it does..." he cleared his throat. "this isn't good fionna. this is not good.."


A/n: hey my adventurers! I'm back. so terribly sorry for the wait. I've decided I'm going to finish this story in the next 3-6 chapters, whatever happens. i just feel like its so overdue and i really just want to end this one so i can stop feeling bad for never updating :P after i finish this one i'll probably finish fiolee: just a bro. that one is going to be long like this one, maybe even longer. I'm actually really proud of that one- if you haven't seen it yet please go check it out!

(Also, before I update this, I'm going to rewrite the first fifteen or so chapters to make them sound good, because they don't, so you can read that if you want)

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