4: Comfort

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Fionnas POV

I woke up in the morning, in my bed, my covers had fallen on the floor. I sat up in a daze and rubbed my head. My hair was a rats nest. Footsteps. I heard cakes footsteps, climbing the ladder. She was probably going to ask me what I did at the party, etc. she didn't know, because she had to take care of a sick Lord Monochromicorn. He had caught some old horse disease. Fun.

"Oh baby, how much fun did you have? Why did you stay so late? " she sat on my bed and waited anxiously for an answer. She wasn't mad- but she definitely would be; she hated marshall lee, and thought he was a "hooligan". She thought I was out with gumball, who she actually did like. I sighed, " well... They surprised me and all- but I hated the party. There was tea, cake, tea. Again!" I grumped. Cake asked wide eyed, " what about gumball?"

I had to tell her. She was my best friend, and my sister. "...He tried to kiss me." I felt ashamed. A huge smile popped up on her face and her tail frizzed up, "oh honey that's great- wait... Tried?" Her smile faded. "Yeah.. I didn't want to , and he wouldn't back up, so .... Someone saved me." I looked around helplessly. She was then looking slightly mad. " who..?" I gulped, and whispered, almost to myself, "Marshall lee.." I knew she heard it. She was a cat. her hearing was almost as good as Marshalls. She was going to blow. Her face got hot with anger, now standing, "girl he's EVIL! Is that who you spent the rest of the time with?!? HE WILL HURT YOU. He has NO HEART."

Mine fills with anger. "Yes he does! HE took me to an awesome party afterwords. He's a way better friend than gumbutt!" She gasped at the name, because she knew for a fact, that Marshall called him that. I shouldn't have snapped.


She looked down. " well if that's what you want baby.." Then slowly left the room. Her sadness almost ate me up entirely. I have never felt so bad for doing something, ever. I needed comforting. Now.

I dressed in dark blue skinny jeans today, with a light blue, flowy top. I had no idea why I did, I just decided to. I brushed my hair, and tucked it under my bunny hat. I grabbed my retractable sword and shoved it in my back pack, climbing out my window and on to the roof. I cautiously jump from there, too. I couldn't let cake see me again. My feet aching from the fall, I ran, fast. Over the hills, I didn't know when I was coming back.


Marshall's POV

I sat at home. Alone. Normally this wouldn't of bothered me, but now.. I want to sit with fionna. I lay awake on my bed in the morning, just thinking. About last night, how we danced together, how we laughed. Maybe I just wanted to hang with her- you know, as friends.

I decided to get up, thinking about all that over and over again could not be healthy. I dress in a plain white tee, and dark blue jeans, adding a white wrist bracelet that stated in black bold letters, 'sexy' . I then brushed out my hair, and shook it to perfection. I brushed my fangs, admiring their sharpness. I added black converse, and looked over myself in my mirror. Satisfied with my work, I smiled. I would of usually just worn my flannel, and normal jeans- But I felt special today. And I don't know why.

I then floated myself down my green, carpeted stairs, and push into the kitchen. I browsed the fridge, letting the cool air devour me.

Apples, Tomatoes, Tomato juice, A bowl of strawberries, Red grapes and cherries. I picked up the strawberries and sat myself on the couch, and propped my feet on the coffee table. Well- over the couch, it wasn't that comfortable.

Then, I heard a knock at my door. I knew it was bad, I could just tell. I set the strawberries down on the coffee table, got up, and slowly opened the door.


She looked amazing. I had never seen her without her normal clothes on until then. The flowy shirt fit her just right, and her jeans made her look stunning.

"How's my favorite human?" I ask, smirking. "I'm the only human.." She grumped. On no. She was mad.. "what's wrong?" I ask, plopping back down on the couch. She does the same, and explained how cake got mad at her.

I looked at her in astonishment. "I'm not that evil..." I put my puppy face on. She laughed.

I snaked my arms around her fragile frame and leaned in close. I gave her a hug, A real one. One that filled my body with energy, and brightened my eyes. She was confused at first, but then she returned the hug, and snuggled her face into my shoulder. I could almost hear my heart beat again.

"It's okay doll, cake doesn't know anything." I smirked, which brought a smile to her face.

No girl had ever made me care this much for them. When they were sad, it was their problem, when they were hurt- meh, deal with it. But when it came to fionna...

we we eventually decided to watch a movie. "Heat signature 3?" I questioned, while scanning through my movies. I snickered at the film's tagline: "UNDER THE OCEAN NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU DIE"

Fionna looked up in surprise, "heat signature THREE?" Her eyes got wide.

I laughed, "yeah, I got it from the nightosphere. It's not even out yet." She screams like a little tiny girl, who was meeting her favorite boy band for the first time.

My ears rang. But I didn't cover them. Her voice was slightly more pleasant than lumpy space princes. She plopped herself on the couch, "yes, yes yes yes! That!" She then realized the couches discomfort. She tried laying, sitting, and finally - she gave up. I pushed the movie in the tv, and floated over the couch. "Is this better?" I say, while picking her up, and sitting her on my lap, which made her blush the darkest shade of red. I threw some popcorn in my mouth. (Yes, I can eat normal food, it just doesn't effect me in any way so I don't bother) she sat up with excitement when the movie started, and we could hear a voice say: "viewer discretions may be advised." I always wondered what that meant.


fionnas POV

I lean up against marshall, his soft cotton shirt holding the back of my head. Heat signature three - had turned out to be the best one yet. The submarine had gone down, found some exotic fish, and the captain had written them down in his notebook. Then, everything around the submarine went black. The crew and captain freaked out, etc.

our eyes were glued to the screen as one of the crew members stated, "sir... I.. I can't seem to locate OUR heat signature." It was the best line in the movie. We both gasped. Eyes still on the screen, I reached for some popcorn, but my hand couldn't find the bowl. I then noticed, Marshall had picked up a handful for me, and tossed it in my lap. I just had to look away for one second. His mouth hung slightly open, his fangs, gently rest on his bottom lip. I glanced at his bracelet, that said 'sexy'. I wouldn't be the one to argue with plain logic like that.

I returned my attention to the movie.


Halfway through the movie, 11 out of 20 people had already died. I glanced at Marshall again, and he was way closer to me than before. I leaned in, my head now resting in the crook of his neck. He smiled at that, I could feel it.


Marshall's POV

I ended up actually laying down on the couch. I was tired. Vampires didn't need sleep, but every so often, we did. I usually just slept to pass the time. Tonight, I needed it.

I looked at fionna, most of her hair out of her hat, her soft blue eyes gentle and staring. She now laid beside me, half on top of me, still resting her head in the crook of my neck. She felt .. right. Like that's where she and I belonged. I wished the movie would never end. I never got to know how it did, because eventually, my tiredness overtook me, and I fell asleep.


fionnas POV

The movie had finished, and the credits rolled. I looked up at Marshall. He had fallen asleep! His eyes rest under his onyx black hair, that was always perfect, no matter what. I smiled at his figure. This dude was okay. I smiled, as I did the same as him. I closed my eyes, and found myself drifting off into dreamworld.

Authors note: tell me what you think:3

(terribly written) Fiolee: a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now