20: you cant hit me and quit me baby.

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Fionna's POV

Boy, was I wrong. Marshall's friends- they were all so nice! Algebraic. The only thing is, the guys had been giving a huge portion of their attention to me, caring what I liked, about every little thing that I did. Once in a while the guys would ask me how I was. Like, "are you too cold?" Or, "are you comfortable?" But whenever that happened, Marshall would always interrupt them harshly with something along the lines of, "I got her" or, "look guys, she's fine with me.", which had made me blush every time. I wasn't completely comfortable with "what we were" whatever that was, and he knew it.

We had spent an hour already eating "s'mores" which were these cute little sandwiches full of chocolate and burnt marshmallow (guess who got made fun of for that).

My first encounter with it, I was a bit skeptical, but after a bit of thinking it over, I basically told myself, "what the glob" and shoved the treat in my mouth whole.

I don't know why I was unsure about that in the first place. After all, it was delicious.

After about four more, they all began to sing. Yes, sing. Or rap? it was more like loud talking in unison, almost sounding drunk. They were singing around the campfire to something I didn't know, but I was glad that I didn't, because it was.. Well-

"Too many dicks on the-

Too many dicks on the-

Too many dicks on the-

Too many dicks on the dance floor

Over werk it.

(Too many dicks!)

Too many dicks

Too many dongs

Too many schlongs

Now sing this song

Going to the party

Sippin' on Bacardi

Wanna meet a hottie

But there's Adam, Steve and Marty

There's Billy, Todd and Tommy

They're on leave from the army

The only boobs I'll see tonight will be made of origami-

Tell the players, make it understood

It ain't no good if there's too much wood

Make sure you know, before you go-

The dance floor bro-hoe ratio

Five to one is a brodeo

Tell Steve and Mike it's time to go

Wait outside all night to find-

Twenty dudes in a conga line!

Too many dicks on the dance floor

Easy to fix

Too many dicks on the dance floor

Spread out the dicks

Too many dudes

With too many dicks

Too close - to my shit

Too hard - to meet chicks

I need better odds

More broads, less rods

I came to do battle

Scadaddle with the cattle prods

Too many men

Too many boys

Too many misters

Not enough sisters

Too much time on, too many hands

Not enough ladies, too many mans."

By the end of that.. I was laughing so hard I couldn't contain myself. I fell off the back of the log Marshall and I were sitting on, and held my stomach.

Marshall looked over his shoulder at me. "What?"

"Ha-he he hahah!"

"You've never heard that song before?"

"Haha-ha-he-NOO!" I took a breath, pulling myself back on the log next to the vampire.

The group of immortals laughed along with me, recalling the lyrics.

After calming down a bit, and a few other old hilarious songs, like, "I miss you (MySpace)", "bromance" and others in which I don't even remember what they were called or how they went, brees had tapped Marshall on the shoulder. "Uh, bro. You wanna lay somethin' down? I mean- you are the 'musical genius' 'round here."

Marshall quickly glanced at me, and then back at the shapeshifter with a smirk, thinking about the offer, probably raising his ego at the compliment. "..I think I have something in mind."

"what is it?!" Desireè asked.

"Ugh.. You'll know."

Sighing as if it were a chore, Marshall stood up, and swung his axe guitar over from his back and to his front. Readying it, he stopped, and gazed down at us like some kind of king- oh wait.

With a huff, he began to play a fast beat, creating a 'bad boy' tune, if you will. It was something a jail-like harmonica would go well with, except it wasn't the blues. It was faster, less sad. Behind me, I heard a pinch of bass, and turned around, to see zayden, the wizard, drumming with two twin wands on the log he was sitting on. It worked nicely.

Then, Marshall began to sing the first few lines, swerving in and out of the campfire's smoke signal, leaving us all in awe.

"Oh I never done this before-

Never wanna do this again-

Wrong turn on a dusty road-

I did it to myself, I can't pretend-

Well I learned just a little too late

Good god, I must've been blind-

Cause she got me for





Like my daddy, I'm a gamblin' man-

Never been afraid to roll the dice

But when I put my bet on her,

Little miss snake eyes ruined my life.

She better sleep with one eye open

Better make sure to lock her doors-

Cause once I get my hands on her, imma- ooooooh- uh.

Ashley- she ran away, with, all my, money-

And she did it for fun...

Ashley- she's probably out, there, thinkin' it's funny-

Tellin' everyone.

Well, I'm diggin' a ditch,

For this gold diggin' bitch,

Watch out, she's quick.

Look out for a pretty lil' thang named Ashley-

If you see, her, tell her I'm comin'.

She better run...

The good lord better bless your soul-

'Cause I done already cursed your name-

Don't matter which way you go-

Payback's gonna come your way.

You'll be beggin' me,

Please, please, please,

And Imma look at you and

Laugh, laugh, laugh,

While you sit there and

Cry for me,

Cry for me,

Cry for me,

All night.

Ill spend a lifetime in jail-

Yeah, that's what I'll do.

Ill be smilin' in my cell-

Yeah, thinkin' bout' you.

Can't nobody save you now-

So there ain't no use in tryin'

Once I get my hands on you, imma- ooooooh- uh.

Ashley- she ran away, with, all my, money-

And she did it for fun..

Ashley- she's probably out, there, thinkin' it's funny-

Tellin' everyone.

Well, I'm diggin' a ditch,

For this gold diggin' bitch,

Watch out, she's quick.

Look out for a pretty lil' thang named Ashley-

If you see, her, tell her I'm comin'.

She better run...


Marshall finished, gracefully landing back on the log next to me. We were all silent for a bit, all of our mouthes a bit ajar, our minds captivated.

Marshall chuckled, looking around at all of us, in confusion on what looked like wether our jaws and vocal chords were all wack, or he had forgotten to wear pants today. "Ehheh... What?"

Another silence.

Just then, Xander spoke up, hooting what we were all thinking. "and THAT'S, why you're the musical geniussss!"

We all whooped and hollered, several arms bring thrown in the air. and at that moment, I really felt like I belonged. I felt, like one of the guys, which was actually where I was comfortable. To me, it felt right. I loved taking a break from all this mushy- wushy Girly stuff with all these princes... And kings.

After a few more hours of laughing, we began to get bored, so a few of us fell asleep, leaving brees, Marshall, Zayden and I. I was partly glad that Desireè was asleep. I dunno, I just didn't like her for some reason. She gave off a bad vibe.

They slept in the sleeping bags they had brought- well, most of them. Thorn, the ghost, sorta... Floated over the fire, while Desireè just kinda layed there like a dog, casually whimpering in her sleep. I couldn't help but giggle at the term, "dog", Of course.


We had been walking in the forever dark forest for hours. My feet hurt, I had blisters, and my thighs were screaming mercy, but I carried on, because I was THE adventuress, and quite frankly- I didn't give a retspatoot.

We had decided to walk through the forest three hours prior. So, we left the others around the fire, and journeyed on. We didn't exactly know what we were doing or where we were going, but most of us didn't care. Except me.

Remember when I said I hated the forest? I REALLY, REALLY, hated the forest. Every snap of a twig would send me in to a frenzy of shivers. And- I had to deal with this myself, because I had no hand to hold on to this time. Marshall... He had been acting strange.. Near his friends... Like I was nothing to him, almost. He walked in between Zayden and brees, like it was no big deal, to leave me walking almost by myself, nearest to brees.

It was strange, it seemed like every few minutes, brees would get closer to me. Hours passed, and we were shoulder to shoulder. I didn't complain. The dude was nice, and well... He was cute.

It occurred to me, that I was turning.. Soft. I was relying on Marshall for everything, and... He was just my bro, right? Bros kiss each other now and then, right? I forced myself to think so, and afterwords, it felt so much better. Instead of walking in the scary woods with my possible future boyfriend and his friends, I was walking in some ol' woods with some guys, who were all just my friends. Friends and always friends. After all this... I felt like me again. Before Marshall had friendly kissed me on my rooftop. That's when everything had changed in my personality, if you hadn't noticed.

I felt free.

After a bit more of mindlessly walking, I began to talk with brees. ...But he was the one who had had started it.



"I like your hat."

He liked my hat? "Thanks dude. I like your..." My eyes scanned the kid for something to return, and when they hit his head- "hair." I replied, patting the top of his spiked up locks, that looked like a wave at the beginning of his forehead.

He laughed, "thanks fionna."

Shivers. When he said my name, it sent shivers down my spine. What?

The next thing I knew, I was walking next to a tiger.

In surprise, I jumped back, but the tiger had disappeared, and a smirking brees had caught me. I forgot, brees was a shapeshifter. I blushed. Like a lot. He helped me back up to my feet, and I took a quick glance at Marshall. He didn't seem the slightest bit bothered or jealous about this. Which made me smile. Time to get a taste of your own medicine, lee.

Brees and I were walking very close to each other now. I didn't say I didn't like it, though. And, that was it. That was when he intertwined his warm fingers with mine, and began sweetly swinging our arms back and forth. I looked up at him and smiled- and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Marshall, looking at us. Feels terrible, right?


Another hour of silently holding brees's hand, and something came to me. "Cake."

I looked around frantically. "Cake's gonna be so mad!"

"Who's cake?" Brees asked.

Marshall stayed silent.

"My sister. I didn't even tell her where I was going." I panicked.

His facial expression changed, as if something had clicked in his mind. "You need a lift home?"

"Actually..." Another glance at the non- caring Marshall. "Yeah."

Before I knew it, I was on the back of a dragon, being swooped away from Zayden and The vampire I once actually maybe even... Loved. I was just overreacting. Right? Because this was just some silly game to him...










Uh. Sorry you guys, for the.. Lateness. And... The unexpected feels.

I just felt like they needed some kind of break in their relationship, and then..... Well yeah. And apologies for the suckyness of my writing. ...I was being rushed, and this is what you get when you rush meXD

(terribly written) Fiolee: a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now