Chapter twenty-five

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I was sitting in the guest room with Elowen as Brayan tucked Naomi into bed. Her tears had finally died down and she explained why she came here injured. Elowen washed her up and Brayan tucked her into bed.

I could tell he was fuming but he was trying to remain calm and gentle with the little girl but with the story she told, I knew he was fuming.

He finally stood up from the bed to leave but she caught his wrist.

"Don't go. Please"

"I have to Naomi. I need to get to the bottom of this" he said harshly and I heard her sniffles.

"I don't want to be alone" she cried.

"You're not alone sweetheart. Paisley and I will be here with you while Brayan takes care of everything" she looked at me and back to Elowen before nodding.

With one last kiss on her forehead, he left the room. Naomi pulled the covers tightly around herself. The room was silent as we waited for her to fall asleep. Elowen checked her breathing.

"She's asleep" she whispered and nodded towards the door. I stood up silently and moved out of the door. She shut the door gently and we both went downstairs.

The game night was cancelled the moment she showed up and although I was bummed about it, I was more concerned about why she looked abused.

"Would you like tea?" Elowen asked.

"Chocolate milk"

She made us a cup each and we sat at the table.

"I can't believe Glynnis would act like this" she said with a frown.

I assumed Glynnis was the woman we met at the orphanage the night after the date.

"She has been in charge for over twenty years. I've met her. We entrusted the children in her care. I can't believe she would act so callously towards Naomi"

I met her and she acted so warm and kind. It was hard to believe she was abusing the children. You can never really tell a good person just by looking at them. She had such a bubbly personality but she had a black heart.

"It's really unbelievable" I said to her.

"She'll have yo be punished for this crime and removed from the orphanage. I only hope they don't go too hard on her because of her age. But I still don't get why she would attack Naomi"

Abusers didn't need any reason. They just wanted to make others suffer.

"Whatever she gets, then she deserves it. I only hope the little girl is not traumatized and heals well"

"I hope so too" she took a sip from her cup while we sat down in silence.

"Has Brayan gone to the orphanage?" Winry asked stepping into the dining room.

"He left few minutes ago. He's very upset"

"You shouldn't have met him go. He'll do something in a terrible fit of anger and I think Glynnis should be given a chance to defend herself" I frowned at that.

"What are you saying Winry? She hurt Naomi"

"How do we know it's the truth. You know Naomi mama. There is something fishy about her even though we try to ignore it because she's a child. Tell me, what reason will Glynnis have to hurt her in that manner. She has looked after the children for over twenty years right and we never heard this type of complaint"

"Maybe she hid it well. Threatened the kids to never speak of it"

"Or maybe she never abused anything. I don't think Glynnis had anything to do with Naomi's injury. You should interrogate her properly until you get the real truth out of her?"

Elowen scoffed. "I can't believe this is coming from you. Are you insinuating that Naomi lied against Glynnis. Maybe she harmed herself?"

Winry shrugged. "You never know with that child. Just don't do something you'll regret without finding out the truth" Winry said and stood up from the table.

I know that Naomi was probably spoilt and had some bad behavior but I don't think she'll hurt herself and try to blame an old woman. For what reason?

"I'm going to check on Naomi and head to bed"

I smiled at her. "I'll be fine here"

"If you feel hungry, you can call for Tivka or help yourself to anything in the kitchen. Goodnight Paisley"

"Goodnight mom" she dropped her cup in the kitchen and went upstairs.

I sat at the table drinking my chocolate milk slowly and stylishly waiting for Brayan to return. I was interested in what he had done to Glynnis.

Two cups of chocolate milk down and he was still not  back. My eyes were dripping and my body was begging me to lay down. After a long time of waiting and no sign of him, I decided to head to bed. But first I wanted to was off the cups in the sink since the maids had gone to bed already.

I washed to cups and dried them. Just as I was about to leave, I noticed a tray of red fruits. They looked like apples but on closer inspection, I realized they were not. They were a lot bigger and looked more like pears. They looked so juicy and I was tempted to have a taste.

I reached for it and drew my hand back.

If you're hungry, feel free to help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I remembered Elowen's last words. I wasn't hungry but I was just so tempted to have a taste of one of the fruits.

I picked one off the tray and washed it. I bit into it and I moaned. The back was soft and the fruit was so juicy that it trailed down my fingers. I licked the ones that ran down my fingers and continued eating the delicious fruit until everything was gone from my hand. I was tempted to take another but I held myself back.

I was washing my hand when I started feeling a foreign tingle in my stomach. It travelled down to my groin and i whimpered. I started feeling a strong pressure between my legs and I tightened my thighs to make it go away. It only sent a jolt of pleasure and my legs buckled.

I grabbed to counter to steady myself. Another moan escaped me. My pussy was burning and I was fighting myself not to put my fingers between my legs and relieve my ache.

I could not fight the temptation anymore and pushed my hands inside my pants and between my legs. My panties were soaked. I moaned loudly and but my lips scared somebody had heard me.

I needed to get back to the room and relieve myself or I was going to finger fuck myself in the kitchen and the others would hear me or find me.

I pushed myself out of the kitchen. Climbing the stairs was the hardest task for me. Every brush of my jeans against my sensitive pussy had my eyes rolling into the back of my head.

The room seemed so far away, but I finally got to it. I pushed the door open and entered. I was about to shut it when a hand stopped me.

I moved back from the door briefly ignoring the throbbing between my legs. Standing at the door with a lust filled look was Brayan.

He looked so delicious that I wanted to jump him. His eyes travelled down my frame and he slammed the door behind him, entering fully into the room.

He took a step towards me and just like that, the throbbing returned again.

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