Chapter fourteen

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"What? Rivka said it was my room" I shouted and hurried into the closet to grab a robe and cover myself.

"What the fuck? How could I... mama" he yelled and I had to cover my ears.

"Why the hell are you shouting" I asked annoyed and he just glared at me.

Dakarai appeared in the doorway a furious look on his face.

"I don't want her in my room"

"You agreed to this already. She is staying in your room" his father said with finality and he shook his head.

"That was when I thought...." Thought what?

"Never mind. I don't want her here anymore"

"There is no other plan for that. She has to stay here"

"It's fine. If Winry will accept, I can stay in her room" I suggested. It was okay if he didn't want me in his bedroom and it would be unfair if he had to leave because of me. I would never leave my room for anybody.

"No. He already agreed to this. We don't need a leader who goes back on his word" his father spat at him and he just clenched his fists.

"If that is all, I'll join my wife downstairs and I'll be pleased if you don't scream anymore" with a soft smile directed at me, Dakarai walked away.

And I was left with the fuming Brayan. I moved over to the bed and grabbed a pillow. I would have to manage the couch tonight. Tomorrow, I would ask Elowen if I could get a spare room.

I ignored his burning gaze and climbed the couch, facing away from him.

The night was horrible. The room was extremely cold and I had no blanket to cover myself. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself as I tried to find sleep.

When I opened my eyes the next morning, it was because of the knocking on the door. I sat up in the couch rubbing my eyes. The bed was scattered but there was nobody on the bed.

I opened the door and Rivka stood there.

"It's almost time for breakfast"

"Okay. I'll be down soon" I said in a clipped tone and she nodded.


"Yes ma'am"

"Never mind" she nodded and walked away while I closed the door. I wanted to ask her for extra blankets but if I was going to ask Elowen for a change of room, there was actually no need for the blankets.

I cleaned up in the bathroom and changed into a light gown. When I arrived at the table, everyone was seated.

"Good morning. Sorry I'm late" I greeted and apologized. It was a bad habit and rude.

"It's fine. You must have been really tired"

"Yes" it was better to go with the excuse. Breakfast was toast and eggs and they had chocolate milk. My favorite.

Breakfast had not ended before the man child stormed away from the table.

After breakfast, everyone went about their various tasks while I was left with Elowen.


"Yes?" She asked brightly.

"What... Are we going to be at home all day?" I had to ask. I had never been one to stay at a place for long.

"The first ritual will be in two days. I wanted you to rest for today then we could go shopping for the things we need tomorrow"

The first ritual was in two days? I tried to calm my pounding heart. I thought we had like a week or two until everything started. I thought we had enough time to find Nevaeh.

"Are you okay?" She held my hands and i forced a smile.

"Yes. Yes I am"

"You don't have to lie. I know you're overwhelmed. I was too. Dakarai's mother told me she was too and I guess the others were too. It's normal. You're just meeting each other for the first time and it's even more difficult because my son is an ass" I chuckled at that.

"True. I hate that he's treating you like this. You're such a sweet girl" I scratched the back of my ear.

She held my hands in hers. "It's going to be okay. Give it some time. You'll warm up to each other and you'll be so in love" I doubted that. I could never love Brayan. Firstly, i and a fiancé. Secondly, he wasn't mine to love and thirdly, he was an arrogant ass. But I wasn't going to tell his mother that.

"Let's go to the mall. You have to pick out a dress and other things you'll need" I nodded and followed her out. A car was parked outside and the driver took us to a large mall.

While we were searching for a dress, a beautiful woman and a young girl came up to us.

"My queen" she did a little curtsy.

"Stop that Victorine. How are you Aubrielle"

"I'm fine" the little girl murmured and smiled at Elowen who caresses her cheeks.

"And who is this?" Victorine accessed me.

"This is Paisley. My sons bride" Elowen announced proudly.

"Oh goodness. She's here already? She's beautiful. It's so nice to meet you" she smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Thank you"

"We're here to get dresses and things for the first ritual"

"That's exciting. I can't believe it's happening already. We'll finally get a queen" Victorine squealed.

"I'm excited too. We have to get going"

"Okay. Paisley, you can stop by my shop whenever you have the chance" I nodded.

"Goodbye" she waved at us and went her way. Elowen and I finally settled on a blue thin dress.

We returned to the house and I decided to ask Elowen for her phone to call my mother.


"Yes dear"

"Can I please borrow your phone? I'll like to call my mother"

"Ohhh. You must miss her so much. Here. I'll give you some privacy" I smiled at her and collected the phone.

I quickly put my mothers number and called it. It rang continuously but there was no response. I felt frustrated by the whole situation. I needed to talk to her so she could pass a message to Edel and find out their progress in searching for Nevaeh.

When I dialed the number again, it was disconnected. She had purposely blocked me. She didn't want to pick my calls.

"Are you okay?" Elowen asked and I turned to see her standing in the living room. I didn't hear when she entered.

"Yes" I forced a smile.

"Are you done with the phone? I'll like to make a call"

Fuck. I haven't spoken to mama.

"Yes I'm done. Thank you" I handed the phone over to her.

"Will you be fine? I'll be gone for a short while" I nodded and she turned to walk away when I stopped her.

"Mom. I'll like to make a request"

She came back to where I sat. "Sure. What is it?"

"The room. Ummm can I get another one?"

"Is this because of Brayan's outburst yesterday?"

"I don't think it's fair to encroach in his space"

"It'll belong to both of you soon enough. This is just a way to get you both closer"


"I have to go quickly" she cut me off leaving before I could say a thing. I grabbed the bags and went to the bedroom. Rivka was stepping out when I entered.



"May I get extra blankets?" I guess I needed the extra blankets after all.

"Sure. I'll get it to the bedroom in a short while"

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