Chapter One

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I removed my shoes at the entrance and rushed into the house.

"Mama...Papa" I called but there was no response. The house was unusually silent and I wondered where my family could be. With a full house, it was rare to find the house empty or silent.

I moved further into the house and realized the lights were off. My heart thumped in my chest. I easily got frightened and I was starting to feel some type of way.

My hands trailed against the wall as I tried to find the light switch. My fingers found it but there was another finger there already.

"Ahhhh" I screamed and jerked back. At the same time, the lights come on.

"Happy birthday Paisley" shouts erupted from all corners of the room. I looked around and saw the whole family I had been searching for. They were holding a cake and flowers and sweets.

"You frightened me" I scowled at them. The waves of laughter couldn't be stopped now. Everyone was laughing at my expression and soon enough I joined them.

"Happy birthday my love" my mother kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you mama" the others came forward and kissed me after wishing me a happy birthday while I searched for my sister.

"Where is Nevaeh," I asked with a frown. On cue, my twin sister came out from the kitchen with a larger cake singing a happy birthday song for me.

Nevaeh dropped the cake and ran into each other's arms.

"It's your birthday too," I told her and Nevaeh chuckled.

"I had to make the cake" Nevaeh was the chef of the house. She loves cooking and baking and everything that had to do with the kitchen. I, on the other hand, hated it but I loved everything my twin made and she was always happy to make it for me.

Since we were seven, she made all our birthday cakes promising to never stop even when we were old.

"Happy birthday Nevaeh" I hugged her tightly. She was my best friend in the world.

"Happy birthday Paisley" she hugged me tightly.

"Okay, my beautiful girls. Let's move to the table for our dinner prepared by Chef Nevaeh and we can give the gifts at the table" my mother said and pushed us to the table.

We took our seats. Papa at the head and mama in his right. Coulter at papa's left and Nevaeh by his side. My place was supposed to be at mamas side but I loved to stay beside my twin.

Nevaeh and I had been inseparable since we were born. I loved her as much as she loved me and we always had each other's backs. While growing up, it was always difficult for outsiders to differentiate us. We were identical in every way.

Some of our relations claimed that as we grew up, we would become easier to differentiate but it was the opposite. From our ginger hair to our eyes, our weight and height, and the way we talked, it was all the same.

Mama, papa, and Coulter sometimes had a hard time telling us apart but they were the only ones that came close to telling us apart.

I was always the mischievous one. Got into trouble and destroyed things while Nevaeh was the complete opposite. The calm, obedient and intelligent one. The more responsible one. Mama says it's because she is the older one.

She dropped a small bag on the table and I grabbed it.

"Your gift Paisley," she said with a soft smile. I grabbed her face and left kisses all over her face. She pushed me away but I know she loves my kisses. I opened the bag and the first thing I saw was a box of earrings. I squealed. The last time we went to the jewelry store, I picked up this set but because I was short on money, I couldn't buy it and when I went back to get it, I was told somebody bought it.

I sulked for the rest of the day. But knowing Nevaeh got it for me and kept it until our birthday made me the happiest. I hugged her again.

"Thank you so much"

"Anything for you" This was why I loved her so much.

I dipped my hand and felt two papers. "There's more?"

"Take a look"

"It's flight tickets," I said in awe.

An expense-paid trip to the capital. She even bought two tickets.

"For you and Edel"

"Ohhh. Thank you so much, Nevaeh. This is the best gift ever" I was already getting teary.

"Oh don't cry" mama cooed and I chuckled.

"I don't think my gift will be this amazing"

I reached into my bag and brought out the papers and handed it over to her. I watched as her face changed from confused to overjoyed.

"Don't tell me...." I nodded and she wrapped her hands tightly around me. I hugged her back.

"I can't believe this"

"Tell us what is there"

"She made Rosa sell"

"Unbelievable" mama shouted.

"How did you even do that?" Coulter asked in disbelief.

"I'm good at convincing people" I winked.

Rosa owned a flower shop beside Nevaeh's Pasteur shop. Nevaeh has always wanted to expand but Rosa refused to sell.

She has been worried about it and I decided to get it back. Just a little bit of blackmailing and threat and Rosa jumped at my offer to buy but I'm not going to tell my family that my method was unethical.

At a point, I felt regret but seeing the joy on her face, it was worth it.

"You're the best Paisley"

"I know. No one comes close" I winked at Nevaeh and she chuckled.

"There's a lot to do. I have to go early tomorrow. Get more equipment. Oh tomorrow is going to be very busy"

"Relax. We will all be there to help you. Anything you need" I assured her.

"Aren't you supposed to spend the day with Edel?"

"He'll understand. I'm going to be with you tomorrow. And right. There will be deliveries for new equipment"

"Oh. You should not have bothered Paisley. With the wedding coming up, I know you have a lot to do. Don't spend your money on me"

"I'll get really upset if you talk like that. You mean the world to me" he squeezed my arms.

"Enough of that. You guys act like a married couple" Coulter rolled his eyes.

"You're only jealous. I know you wish you have a twin" I made faces at him and he scowled.

"Enough of that all of you," my father said with a light smile and the table went silent.

I noticed the look my mother gave my father and I began to think something was wrong.

"There won't be any work tomorrow"

"Why?" I asked. We already started making plans for the delivery tomorrow and we needed to go to the shop.

"The selection is tomorrow" I froze and cast a look at Nevaeh. She also looked uncomfortable. I squeezed her hands and gave her a weak smile.

"As usual, we all have to go" The unspoken question hung in the air.

'What if our family was chosen' It was something no one dared to ask.

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