Chapter forty-two

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The day of the mating ritual finally came. I was nervous as hell and tense. I spent the night alone in our bedroom because I wasn't allowed to see Brayan until the time of the final ritual.

Everyone was busy doing one thing or the other while I was sitting pretty and waiting patiently for the women to come for me.

"Are you seriously not going to look in the mirror?" Nouria asked. I shook my head.

"You're strange" I chuckled. I didn't have any reason for not wanting to look in the mirror and see how I was dressed. I just didn't want to.

"I'm so happy the day has finally come. It has been an eventful month" Winry said and we all chuckled.

True. A very eventful month. When I first came here, I always thought I would leave. I didn't want this. But now, I'm so sure I wouldn't walk away from this.

I couldn't imagine being away from Brayan ever. It would tear me apart.

There was a knock on the door and Elowen popped her head in.

"You look beautiful honey" she said entering the room fully.

"Thanks mom"

"The women are downstairs ready. Why don't you girls go downstairs and do some final touches and I'll just talk to Paisley for a while"

The girls mumbled and okay and they all left the room leaving i and Elowen.

She came over to the bed where I sat and took my hands in hers.

"Thank you so much Paisley" she smiled at me.

"There's nothing to thank me for" I said honestly.

"I love Brayan"

"I know. And he loves you too. I always hoped for this but I'll be honest, I never expected it'll work. Brayan had always been hard headed and I thought he would need a calm woman to match him. But you two fit together perfectly. The first day you met, I could see you affected him so much"

I smiled. He hated me so much. Whatever his reason was, I never asked him. I always felt it was because he was being forced to mate someone he didn't want to. I was upset as well.

"I hoped for the best outcome because I had come to love you and I didn't want you to go if it didn't work out. Thank you for enduring his shit and for making things work"

"Welcome to the family again" she hugged me tightly and I returned it while trying so hard not to cry.

"Have you spoken to your family?" I shook my head. I didn't want to call them. There was no point in doing so. It's not like they were going to come anyways.

Plus I was somehow upset with them. So many things must have happened with this whole issue and they purposely kept it away from me and lied to me. I felt betrayed.

"You should. I know you want to"

"Maybe later" I said trying to move away from the topic.

"We are working on something that will benefit humans and wolves alike" my ears perked.

"What's that?"

"It's unfair that humans are thrust from their lives and are not allowed to see their families again. We want to make it so that it's possible to see your family even after the final mating"

"That's wonderful" I said without any enthusiasm.

"Are you okay?" I forced a smile and nodded at her.

"Good. We have about ten minutes left. I'll give you some time so that you can talk to your mother. I'll come back to lead you downstairs" I nodded at her and she left.

My phone remained in my hand and spent the first four minutes just thinking if I should go ahead and make the call or not.

Fuck it. I said and then I dialed my mothers number. She didn't pick on the first ring or the second time.

I decided not to call anymore. She didn't want to talk.

I sat down still waiting for the ten minutes to elapse when my phone rang. It was mama.

"Paisley" she sounded stressed.

"Mama. How are you doing"

"I'm fine. And you?"

"Good. Today is the day of the mating ritual"

"Silas mentioned it. He'll release your father and brother when the ritual is complete" I was glad. His freedom was what kept me in check in the first place. To ensure that father will be freed. It was a good thing that it was going to happen soon so that he could be home with mama. Safe.

"Okay then" I wanted to end the call.

"Paisley..." she went silent. It sounded like she wanted to say something so I stayed silent.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I couldn't do anything for you. I'm sorry I forced you into this with false hopes of getting you out. I'm sorry I failed you" she cried and it broke my heart.

"You didn't fail me mama. I was disappointed and betrayed because of the lies but I've found happiness here. I love him mama and I'm happy I came here"

"You love him?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes I do"

"What about Edel?"

I went silent. I had completely forgotten about that. There was nothing there anymore. She'll have to come up with something and tell him so he can move on with his life. It was cruel and unfortunate that our situation had come to this but there was nothing I could do. It wasn't my fault. Maybe one day, If I'm eventually allowed to go to the other town, I could talk to him about what happened.

"Edel is my past now. You'll have to tell him something. I love Brayan now and I'm getting married today"

"Okay child. As long as you're happy. I'm sorry again. I love you. Your father loves you. We all do including Nevaeh" I scoffed at that.

"I love you all too. Goodbye" I hung up just as the door opened. Elowen was standing there with a wide smile.

"It's time" I dropped the phone and I stood up, crossing the room to meet her. She held my hand in hers and led me out of the room, down the stairs and into the garden where the ceremony was taking place.

I was excited as hell. I was getting married.

The slow sound started and we made our entrance. The small crowd consisting of family, their family and friends turned back to look at us as I approached.

Our eyes met the instant I stepped in his line of view. He looked so handsome in his custom suit. And his eyes, they sparkles with intensity and conveyed his emotions.

Adoration and love.

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