Chapter twenty-six

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I was so fucking upset. I was boiling in anger but the only thing calming me was that Naomi was safe in bed. It baffled me that Glynnis could do this to her.

The orphanage lights were off but the moment I knocked on the door, it was opened.

"Alpha. Thank goodness you're here. There has been a problem" Glynnis said with panic. She moved back and I entered through the doors.

"Where is Naomi" I asked her still trying to remain calm.

"I don't know alpha. She just disappeared"

"Disappeared?" I asked in anger, my fists tightening by my side. It was hard to remain calm when she was  trying to act oblivious of the situation.

"Yes" she said in a low voice. She couldn't hide her fear.

""You expect me to believe that a little girl, under ten  ran away from your care?"

"Yes Alpha. She and a few of the kids got into a fight and I punished all of them. When I went to her bed to check her, she wasn't there"

"And you didn't alert anyone?"

"I thought she was somewhere in the compound and she was sulking and I'll find her but after checking, I didn't see her"

"She's in my home"

"Thank goodness"

"But what I don't understand is the bruises in her body. Care to explain that?"

"She has bruises? Maybe it was from the fight"

"The other kids, did they have bruises too?"

"No. None that I know of"

"I want to see them"

"Alpha? It's late and the children are asleep already"

I cocked my head. "Or you're hiding them from me"

"Why would I do that? The children are already asleep and..."

"Cut the pretense Glynnis. Naomi told me what happened here"

"About the fight? Alpha Naomi can..."

"Are you going to call her a liar too? Glynnis we trusted you to take care of the children and you abuse them?"

"Abuse? Alpha I'll never..."

"Stop it" I cut her off angrily.

"You were supposed to be like a mother to the children but you beat and starve them. You hurt the children"

"I swear to you. I'll never do a thing like that. I have never raised my hand on the children even in punishment"

"Then you have an explanation for what happened to her?"

"I don't know about any bruises and I swear I have never hit the children"

I took a deep breath calming myself again.

"You have to believe me alpha" she raised her voice slightly.

"I don't. And the fact that you're lying against a little child makes me even more furious. I don't want to do anything that I'll regret. You are no longer in charge of the orphanage. Pack your things and be out of here before the crack of dawn"

"Alpha" she shouted.

"Your replacement will be here before the children wake up"

"You can't do this to me. I have taken care of this orphanage for twenty years. Twenty years and not even your father has treated me in this manner. You won't even let me speak"

"I've given you enough chance to but you decide to keep spewing lies against the children"

"And I'm telling you it's not lies. I would never hurt any of them. Especially not Naomi. I've taken care of her since she was a child"

"But yet you chose to bring her arm. You're lucky I'm not sound worse than asking you to leave the orphanage. You certainly deserve more for hurting a defenseless child"

"I can see there is nothing I can do to make you believe me. But I have one more request to make. Let me say goodbye to the children"

I shook my head.

"There will be no need for that. I don't want you here when the replacement arrives"

"So you won't even let me say goodbye to the children. How do you think they'll take it when they wake up and I'm no longer there?"

"Then I'll explain it to them"

"You're cruel"

"And I thought you were a good woman"

"I am and I love these children including Naomi. This is the only life in have known for twenty years"

I ignored her. She was only pushing me and I didn't want to do anything rash.

"You think Naomi is a saint? She's a spoilt child with an unhealthy obsession for you. She hurts the other kids and can take corrections because she's your favorite"

"You're going to blame her for the other children's bruises too?" I scoffed. How could we all have thought that she was perfect for the children. How could we not see it? It only pained me that some of the other children have been going through her abuse and none of them was brave to report to us like Naomi.

"I'm not blaming her. I'm only saying the truth" she shouted.

"She is only five years" I shouted angrily. How can she accuse her?

I took a deep breath in. "Pack your things now I'm still being calm or you won't get a chance to pack them yourself"

"Fine. I'll go" she said with a deep sigh and she turned away going inside the building while I pulled out my phone to make a call.

"Yes" Gannon grumbled on the other side of the phone.

"We need someone for the orphanage"

"Now? What happened to Glynnis?"

"I don't have the time to explain. We need her before dawn"

"Fuck. Okay I'll do something"

I ended the call. I needed to check in Naomi again. She was probably still scared from what happened tonight.

I called one of the guards.

"Make sure she leaves. Gannon will be here with the new matron"

He looked like he wanted to say something but he just nodded. I didn't have the patience to ask anything. I just wanted to go back home. Tomorrow, I'll be back at the orphanage to check on everything.

I walked back to the house. It was silent when I opened the door and I assumed everyone had gone to bed.

A sweet smell hit me. I instantly knew who it belonged to and what it meant. My beast stirred within. All the anger I had felt disappeared and was replaced with a burning desire. I followed the smell to the kitchen. It was stronger here but she was nowhere in the kitchen. I followed the other door, through the dining and to the stairs. The smell was even stronger as I walked towards my room. My cock was threatening to burst out of my pants.

I adjusted myself and groaned. The door was closing when I put my hand forward to stop it.

I pushed the door open more and stood at the doorway. The whole room was covered in her delicious smell and I was holding the beast back from jumping her.

She doesn't want us. I told him but he wasn't agreeing. He wanted to touch her, bite her, sink into her. Fuck. I was losing control.

Her stare wasn't helping matters. It only made me hotter. My eyes travelled down her small frame. She was so fucking sexy and I could not control myself anymore. I slammed the door behind me, entering fully into the room.

I took a step towards her and her arousal flared, thickening the room. I looked at her eyes. She was lost to the lust and so was I.

She made a small whimper and I lost my last shred of control.

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