Part 24

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He chuckles and reaches for her, tugging her closer to him with an arm around her waist and sliding his other hand appreciatively up her side, "It certainly doesn't hurt, but no, that's not why."

"Tim —"

He holds up his hand to stop her, "Look, Lucy, I know this is nuts. Less than an hour ago, I was ready to walk out of here and pretend nothing between us had changed—"

"That's okay. We already established you're kind of an idiot," Lucy helpfully interrupts.

Tim gawks at her, "Seriously?! Right in the middle of—" He runs an exasperated hand through his hair, "Anyway. I was saying that I'm done pretending, too. I have known for weeks now, maybe even longer than that, how I feel about you. And, I don't expect you to say anything."

Lucy opens her mouth to interrupt again.

Tim rolls his eyes, hurrying to continue, "Really, it would be better for both of us if you would just stop talking. Listen, I know that we haven't figured anything out, or even talked about what this actually is between us, if you'd even want it to be more, but I don't want to take this any further without making sure you know. It's not just physical for me; it's never been just physical.

"You changed my entire life, Lucy." He smiles up at her, "You were the one irritatingly bright spot in one of my darkest times, and you still — every day — you have the capacity to annoy the fuck out of me and also make me see the world in a different way. You make me want to be better in every possible way, especially if that means being better than you," he finishes playfully.

"I love you, Lucy. And all of that is true, no matter how all of this turns out, and you deserve to know that." Tim lets out a breath as he squeezes her side, "But, for the record, I am also a huge fan of the package."

Lucy laughs through the tears that are silently spilling down her cheeks, wholly unprepared for his heartfelt confession, his earnest vulnerability, how utterly warm and fuzzy and delicious and mildly aggravated his words have made her feel inside. "What the fuck, Tim? I thought we were just going to get naked and bang."

She leans down and kisses him, channeling every bit of her emotion, every bit of her love for him into the movement.

He holds her there, both hands cradling her face as they each attempt to process the emotional and impending physical intimacy that has them both reeling. He brushes the tears from her cheeks before releasing her, shifting his hold to her hips as she straightens so that she remains standing squarely between his legs.

He slides one hand around to give her ass a playful squeeze as he looks up at her roguishly, "Well, I was hoping we could still do the naked banging part, too."

He leans in to press a sweet kiss to her DOD tattoo, his hands sensually sliding over the planes of her body before settling on her breasts, thumbs playing over her nipples as he trails a series of kisses down her sternum and over her stomach until she is moaning in response to his touch. Then he is sweeping one hand back down her abdomen, relishing in her short gasp of surprise when he slips his hand directly in between her legs, a finger inside of her before she even fully realizes what he's doing. He groans in response to her welcoming wetness, the idea that he might actually be feeling her around more than just his fingers tonight driving him absolutely wild. Her lips part, and she drops her head back as she shifts from caressing the back of his neck to gripping his shoulder.

He works his fingers, first one and then two, in and out of her, eventually shifting to a steady pulse inside of her once he finds the spot, simultaneously using the heel of his hand to generate the best possible kind of friction. She clutches at his arm for balance as every muscle in her body begins to coil in response to his touch.

She digs her fingers into his bicep as he shifts and begins to work his thumb more directly over her clit, his movements so skillful and specifically targeted that she is crying out in what seems like mere moments, "Tim — I'm gonna —"

She whimpers as he presses a hot open-mouthed kiss to the curve of her hip, letting his teeth drag over her skin. "Trust me," he says, his voice low and wicked in a way that leaves Lucy worried she is in for another long night of torturous teasing. But he doesn't relent, doesn't break his rhythm as she clutches him even tighter still, feels as if her legs might buckle underneath her, and stops thinking any thoughts at all as he effortlessly pushes her over the edge, her whole body shuddering as she crumbles into him with a cry of ecstasy. He sweeps her into his lap, pressing a sweet kiss to her forehead.

"Oh my god," is all she says, barely aware of his movements as Tim lifts her in his arms and turns to deposit her on the bed so that she is resting back against the headboard.

She watches in a daze, eyes struggling to focus, as he climbs onto the bed and settles next to her feet. He smirks as he takes in her expression, running a single finger up from her ankle along her calf in a way that sends a shiver down her spine, "How was that for decisive?"

Lucy just stares at him over top her bent knees. "Oh my god," she repeats, fumbling for more meaningful words before simply settling on, "You — you can make all the decisions."

His laugh is deep and throaty, a warning to Lucy that more is to come as he surveys her, noting that her legs are pressed far too closely together for what he has planned next.

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