Part 25

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He slips his hand around her ankle. "Wider," he orders softly, but firmly, his eyes not leaving hers as she swallows, spreading her knees further and then further apart still per his instruction. He shifts his gaze, and Lucy's throat tightens, the idea of him looking at her like this — her wanting him to look at her like this — somehow reigniting her arousal with an intensity that cannot be reconciled to the fact that she is still working to recover from the first of his "decisions."

"Good girl," he teases, though the thickness in his voice makes it sound far more seductive than playful. He tugs her leg straight with the grasp he still has on her ankle, pulling her foot into his lap and taking time to work his fingers deftly over her tight muscles, her calf, her knee, and then his very favorite part, all the way up her thigh, before hooking her leg over his shoulder as he turns his attention to her other leg.

Lucy sucks in a breath when he bends to press a soft kiss to the inside of her ankle that is far more arousing than it should be, letting her head fall back against the headboard as he places his next kiss on the inside of her thigh just above her bent knee before running his tongue slowly down its length towards her center, stopping only when he can feel her heat on his face.

She whimpers at the feeling of his warm breath so, so close to where she wants him, unable to suppress her moan when he purses his lips to blow cool air around her clit, the dual sensations driving her wild. "Tim, please," she begs, not giving a damn that she sounds desperate, thinking she might do anything to get him to just —

She can feel his torturous breath against her as he chuckles, his stubble scratching against her thigh, and good lord, he is such a beautiful asshole. And then his tongue is escaping his parted lips, a flash of pink just barely flicking over her clit before he looks up at her as if to ask if she really wants this. What the fuck happened to being decisive, Tim?

"Tim," she half begs and half whines, a breath she didn't even realize she was holding escaping her in a short, ragged burst as she reaches for him, winds her fingers through his hair, guiding him closer to her, "Please."

And then he is groaning, the sound of her pleading voice, the insistence of her touch, the fleeting little taste of her that hadn't been nearly enough winning out as he dips his head to explore her, all of her, inside and out, before focusing his attention back on her clit, licking and sucking and teasing until finally focusing more intently on her build, letting her guide him with her hands and the writhing of her hips until he knows exactly what works, her thighs tensing around his head as her whole body stiffens, and then she is practically screaming his name as she finds her release. He delivers one final, soft kiss before sliding back up next to her to pull her into his arms.

"Oh my god," she says again, reveling in her post-orgasmic shock. "How are you so good at that?" she asks when her brain feels more capable of stringing words together.

"I'm good at a lot of things," he murmurs cheekily into her hair.

"Holy shit. Yes, you are," she affirms, cuddling impossibly closer into him.

And they are quiet for a few moments, Lucy playing the tips of her fingers across his abs and relishing in the sound of his heartbeat under her ear, while Tim runs a hand comfortingly up and down her upper arm, until he finally ventures, "What are you thinking?"

Lucy shakes her head as she pushes off his chest to turn and look at him, a small smile curving her lips, "Nothing. I'm waiting for you to finish getting naked so I can tell you that I love you, too."

Tim arches an eyebrow, "Because I just gave you two of the most incredible orgasms of your life?"

She snorts with laughter, "I mean it certainly didn't hurt, but no... that's not why."

She moves her hand to his face, thumb brushing over his cheek, eyes softening as she tries once again to process what is happening, that this man might actually be hers for the taking.

"I've said it before, but... you surprise me... every day, Tim. Every time I think I've got you figured out, that I know exactly who you are, you manage to amaze me in the best possible ways. And I —" her voice breaks as emotion fills her throat, and Tim is giving her that look, like she is just the best thing he has ever laid eyes on, and he doesn't quite believe she is actually real.

He covers her hand with his own, pulling it to his mouth so he can press a kiss to her palm. "I'm not sure whether to be offended you thought I was so basic or pleased you find me so intriguing," he ribs, tickling her sides as she squirms away from him giggling, despite the tears she's been unable to stop from trickling down her cheeks again.

And then there is a stillness when he finally relents and looks down at her, her eyes shining with her laughter and tears, chest heaving as she works to catch her breath. "You are so beautiful," he breathes, letting his fingers tangle through her loose curls.

Lucy smiles sweetly up at him, sliding her hand up his chest and settling it on his heart, "You are too... but you already know that," she teases. "But also... I wasn't done. As I was saying, before you so rudely interrupted me, you challenge me and excite me."

Tim arches an eyebrow, lips quirking devilishly as if to say he knows exactly just how much he excites her, Lucy playfully shoving at his shoulder before rushing to continue, "And infuriate me. In all of the ways, and then you also give me glimpses of your heart, who you are deep down inside, and I just—"

Her voice is flooded with emotion again as she reaches up to run her fingers over the stubble on his jawline, her eyes wide and earnest as she looks up at him. "I've never felt this way, Tim. About anyone," her voice breaks, "and it's terrifying. This morning —" she swallows, overwhelmed by the unexpected intensity of her emotion. "I — It's crazy... We haven't even talked about — I don't even have you, and I'm already so scared of losing you."

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