Part 12

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Lucy doesn't wait for an invitation to enter his bed later that night, quietly slipping in next to him as soon as the sounds of partying in the house die down. Tim immediately shifts to accommodate her presence as he wraps his arm around her.

She knows it's insane, especially given the trajectory of her interview this afternoon, but the idea of going even just another hour without getting to be closer to him, without feeling him next to her, somehow seems even more insane in this moment.

And this time it's Tim that allows his hand to slip up under the hem of her T-shirt, slowly sliding his palm over the smooth skin of her stomach, gently squeezing her side in a playful way that makes her wish she could giggle out loud. But she buries her head in his chest instead, trying to just enjoy the feeling of his fingers against her skin and ignore the intense throbbing between her legs that seems to have picked up from exactly where they'd left off the night before, insisting on — no, demanding —more.

His exploration of her body is slow and sensual, hands eventually slipping around to caress her bare back, moving up and further up still, uninterrupted.

Tim freezes, recognition that she is most definitely not wearing a bra washing over him, absolutely certain that this hadn't been the case on nights prior. His throat goes dry as he hesitates, debating how far he should take things — where exactly the line lies when it comes to this. He knows he is walking a very unsteady tightrope — that continuing this kind of build without any release is entirely unsustainable. And despite knowing this, he leaps anyway, too caught up in the magnetic pull, his desire for more of her, to prioritize any kind of rational thought.

He slides his hands up the rest of the way, pausing with them resting on her shoulder blades, before slipping them back around to her front, just barely grazing the soft curves of the underside of her breasts before settling them on her sides. He feels her quick inhale, knows she is waiting for his next move.

His voice is husky in her ear, different than she's ever heard it, and it sends a thrill through her entire body, "Where's your bra, Lucy?"

She shrugs, almost flustered by the directness of his question, momentarily wondering if maybe she's misread everything. She tilts her head back to find his ear, "I just thought... if we were getting more comfortable... with each know..."

His lips return to her ear, "I don't know," he teases softly, "What exactly did you think about, Lucy? About me touching you... like this?" And this time his touch is bolder and more intentional, his finger tracing all the way around the curve of her breast.

And she is not prepared for the impact the combination of the intimacy of his words — his direct acknowledgment of what they are doing — and the intimacy of his touch has on her body, her want feeling more and more like an unrelenting need as she aches for more of him.

She arches her back in response as he uses both hands to more boldly explore — grazing, and caressing, and cupping her breasts and enjoying the feel of the weight, her soft and supple skin in his hands — all the while torturously avoiding any contact with her tautly peaked nipples.

He can feel her body tensing, feel her shifting and squirming with the discomfort of her unaddressed want. "Tim," she finally pleads, her voice throaty and almost desperate in his ear, "I can't... I can't keep... I need..."

She pushes him onto his back and shifts to her side, slipping her leg over him, her thigh pressing into his erection, and aligns herself against his hip bone.

He's not sure where exactly this falls on the line between physical intimacy and moving things into more obviously sexual territory — okay, that's a lie, he knows exactly where it falls, but at the moment he doesn't give a damn. Seeing her so hot and bothered, so desperate for a release is doing things to him. He slips his hands out from under her top and back around her, getting a firm grip on her perfectly shaped ass, and presses her more firmly against him, encouraging and even guiding the movement as she rolls her hips, grinding herself against him.

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