Shattered Part 3

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[Scene change, Green Hill, day, past. Text appears reading "Before PRISM Shatter". Tails is flying the Tornado through the area.]

[Cuts to Sonic fighting the Eggcrusher on a cliff. Several Buzz Bombers fly past.]

Sonic: Come on, Egghead, show me what you got!

Dr. Eggman: [Chuckles] That's the spirit, rodent... the spirit of a loser! 

[The Eggcrusher raises its first, and brings it crashing down. Sonic dodges.]

Sonic: Takes one to know one. Ha! [Sonic dodges another strike, and attacks the mech with a spin.]

[Cuts to Amy and Knuckles, who are fighting Burrobots at the foot of the cliff.]

Amy: Why do I feel like Eggman's keeping us off the main stage?

Knuckles: Eggman's got us fighting the Badniks so he can have Sonic all to himself.

Amy: Let's go crash his show! [Amy and Knuckles jump up terrain leading to the cliff, and destroy the Burrobots there.]

"I'm perfectly fine with taking on the badniks," stated Amy, as Knuckles nodded in agreement.

Sonic: [Laughs] [Dodges a another strike, landing on the fist, which is stuck in the mountainside.] One scrambled egg, coming up. [Sonic performs a Spin Attack, knocking the Eggcrusher backwards, and leaving it teetering on the edge of the cliff. Eggman's can be heard screaming and groaning.]

"Does it only seem that way to me, or does it feel like a trap?" Tails inquired, and Sonic concurred with a nod.

"Yeah, and I don't believe Prime is aware of it."

[Tails watches the situation from the air, in the Tornado.]

Tails: Hmm. I don't like this. Dr. Eggman's too smart not to realize how terribly positioned he is. [Tails brings up a handheld device, which shows a scan of the mech's outline, and makes a beeping noise.] It's almost like he's... [gasp] ...He's not in there.

"Except him." 

Dr. Eggman: [to Sonic] Quaking in your tiny shoes at the might of my Eggcrusher? It's understandable. I'm rather astounding.

Sonic: In your dreams! You bring it, I break it, Eggman. That's the game [Sonic performs a short dance], and I'm still the undefeated numero uno.

Dr. Eggman: [angry] Then put your quills where your mouth is, unless you're scared! [The Eggcrusher moves its fingers in mock fear.]

Tails: [gasps] [Tails quickly flies the Tornado in, and fires several blasts at the Eggcrusher, before swooping away again.]

Dr. Eggman: [grunts]

Tails: [yelling] It's a trap, Sonic! It's a trap!

Sonic: [Sonic glances around] I don't see a trap, though I guess by definition I wouldn't see a trap if there was one.

Sonic's frustration reached its peak as he let out a deep sigh, a mixture of anger and resignation. 

Dr. Eggman: [laughs maniacally]

Sonic: Something funny, egghead?

Dr. Eggman: You are! Watching you try to think with that two-cent brain of yours is hilarious!

Tails: [yelling] Sonic! You gotta listen! It's a trap!

Dr. Eggman: [Eggman grunts, and fires several small blasts at the Tornado, followed by a large red laser, all of which barely miss, while Knuckles and Amy look on.] You're as stupid as your mutant, two-tailed fox friend is ugly.

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