Shattered Part 4

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[Scene change: New Yoke City, present]

[Sonic continues falling from the building.]

Sonic: Paradox Prism. Right. That's what Eggman was after. How? [Sonic lands flat on the ground with a thud, and groans. On-screen text appears reading "NOW".]


 No, no, no. [Sonic sees a wall adorned with the Chaos Council's symbol, and begins walking towards it.] I didn't leave Green Hill. This is Green Hill. He did it? I don't know how he did it, but he did it. [defeated] Eggman won. [The eyes on the symbol glow bright red, and sound a siren. Several Eggforcers arrive, and fire lasers.] That would mean... Badniks. I gotta find Tails! [Sonic dashes off. Another camera is shown watching him.]

[Cuts to the same lab as before, where Rusty Rose is again watching Sonic through the camera in real-time.]

Sonic: [on screen] Badniks. I gotta find Tails.

[A light flashes on in the lab's hallway, and the shadow of Mister Doctor Eggman is projected onto the scene. Rusty Rose begins watching footage of Sonic's earlier actions in New Yoke City.]

Knuckles turned to Xiphos with a curious expression on his face. "So, it's Eggman, but why haven't we laid eyes on him yet?" he inquired, his tone filled with intrigue. Xiphos responded with a knowing smile, as if she held a secret. "It's all part of a grand 'mystery'," Xiphos replied, emphasising the word "mystery" that seemed to hang in the air, thick with anticipation.

Rusty Rose: [to Sonic] Who are you?

Mister Doctor Eggman: [offscreen] More ungrateful rebels?


Rusty Rose: No. Something new. Not in the databanks. [Rusty Rose types on the control panel in front of her, and a visual of Sonic's energy profile is brought up.] Its energy profile is... intriguing. The Unidentified Running Organism has outrun the Eggforcers and is heading towards Babble's area. [Babble's logo is shown of a screen of the panel.]

"Babble? That sounds more like a cute nickname for a little baby, not the name of a grown-up who works with Eggman. And who is this person anyway?" Sonic asked, his curiosity piqued. Xiphos couldn't help but chuckle, causing confusion among everyone, and chose to brush off Sonic's question, ignoring it entirely.

[Cuts to next scene. Sonic is dashing through Babble's area of the city. He runs straight by a citizen being threatened by a gray Eggforcer. The Eggforcer notices Sonic, and gives chase.]

Sonic: Finding Tails would be a lot easier if everything was covered in grass and palm trees, like it should be. [Dr. Babble in his mech hovers down right in front of Sonic, who skids to a halt.] Whoa!

[The mech drops to the ground with a thud.]

Sonic: Eggman, finally! I don't know what you did, and I don't know how you did it, but I'm gonna kick your Ro-butt!

[Babble laughs and presses the button on the door of his mech suit, causing the color roulette to start, much to Sonic's confusion. The color roulette slows down and lands on the yellow icon. The baby rattle shaped mace arm appears out of the funnel of the mech suit's arm as Babble shakes it.]


Sonic: What is that, a baby rattle? Not exactly scary…

[Babble uses his mech suit to uppercut Sonic, sending him flying to the wall as Babble continues laughing. The purple icon on Babble's mech starts ringing as the mace-arm retracts as Babble crawls towards Sonic. Sonic attempts to run, but his shoes slip.]

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