Shattered Final Part

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[Scene change: Nine's lab]

[Sonic is examining Nine's inventions, while the fox types away at a computer.]

Sonic: I, uh, like them by the way.

Tails Nine: Those ratty old sneakers? Obviously.

Sonic: No, I mean I always thought your extra tail was cool, but the metal ones? Man, you're amazing.

Tails gazed at the metallic tails before him and shook his head disapprovingly. "I dislike them as a single unit. I understand Nine's intention behind creating them, but crafting them solely to conceal his own pair of tails infuriates me."

"I completely understand your sentiment," Xiphos responded empathetically.

Tails Nine: Uh, sure. One last touch. [Nine swivels his chair around to face Sonic. He hands Sonic four Regulators.] Attach these. They might be able to regulate the excess energy coming off your gear so they don't explode.

Sonic: "Might"?

"Yeah.. Might…" 

Tails Nine: This energy is still a mystery. [Nine attach a Regulator to each of Sonic's gloves, and a Regulator to each of his shoes.]

[The Regulators begin to glow with blue energy, and make a mechanical whirring sound. Sonic and Nine watch in suspense. Suddenly, Sonic glows brightly, and his shoes and gloves transform into more stylized forms.]

Sonic glanced at Prime's shoes, his eyes widening with excitement. "I need those!" he exclaimed, turning his attention to Xiphos. "Where can I get a pair?"

Xiphos smiled nervously, her voice faltering. "Um...nowhere, actually..."

Sonic let out a dramatic cry of despair. "No!"

Sonic: Whoa! What are these? [dashes back and forth] No energy overflow, and the look. [Sonic gazes appreciatively at his new attire.] I mean, come on. Mwah!

Tails Nine: Ah, curious. They're still your gloves and shoes, only now they seem to have attuned with the energy in your body instead of resisting it. I wonder why that is.


Sonic: [dashes up to Nine] Oh-ho, these are killer! No more slipping and sliding, no smoke. Thanks, Tails. I mean, Nine. Time for a test drive. [dashes out of the lab]

Tails Nine: No, wait, you dope! It's not safe.

[Sonic emerges from a pipe in the streets of New Yoke City. Nine follows close behind.]

Sonic: Hey, if the mad scientist/loner thing doesn't work out, you should get into fashion accessories. Stylin'!

Tails Nine: Shhh! We need to maintain a low profile. The Council has eyes everywhere.

"Yeah... Nope. Being low profile is just not Sonic's thing," Knuckles remarked.

Sonic: [slowly walking backwards] When you get your memory back, you'll remember that low profile isn't my thing. Want to run up the walls?

Tails Nine: What? No!

[Suddenly, both Sonic and Tails are grabbed by the first of Babble's mech, which emerges from behind a corner. Several Eggforcers arrive.]

Babbles: [baby talk] [Babbles holds Sonic and Tails threateningly near the cockpit of his mech.]

Sonic: Ugh. Not the baby.

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