Break 2

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Xiphos stood up from her chair and positioned herself in front of the scene. "We're taking a break. I need to find some people," she announced before exiting the room.

Sonic glanced around and sighed. "Well, there's nothing to do," he remarked, getting to his feet. Tails burst into laughter, and Sonic turned to him, asking, "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing," Tails replied before playfully pouncing on Sonic, causing them to tumble to the ground as Tails tried to make Sonic laugh.

Sonic grinned mischievously. "Oh, you want to play," he teased before starting to tickle Tails, determined to make him laugh.

Amy and Knuckles observed as Sonic and Tails playfully interacted with each other. Knuckles couldn't help but wonder aloud, "I wonder who she's getting."

"Yeah," Amy replied just as Xiphos returned, accompanied by Shadow.

"SHADOW?!" Sonic exclaimed, abruptly stopping his play with Tails.

"Yes, and I've been aware of what you're up to. I've been watching from another room with..." Shadow began, but he was interrupted by Silver's sudden entrance.

"Me!" Silver exclaimed as he rushed into the room.

"Silver?" Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy all questioned in surprise.

"Hey, guys. Long time no see," Silver greeted them before taking a seat, and Xiphos brought him a milkshake.

"Let's all return to our chairs, everyone. Shadow, you can sit next to Silver," Xiphos instructed as she sat down, and everyone else followed suit as the scene transitioned into the next episode.

A/N: I was planning to only add Shadow but yeah, Silver join in the fun too.

I'm eagerly anticipating the 27th because Netflix will be hosting a live stream event featuring sneak peeks of their upcoming animated shows. I'm particularly curious about what the sneak peek for Sonic Prime Season 3 will reveal.

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