Unwelcome to the Jungle [Part 1]

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A/N: There is two reasons why I don't update this fic. 1. I actually have some of the reactions done but I don't know what else to add before now. And 2. I was actually working on a other fic on ao3 and yeah.

[The episode begins inside the jungle of Boscage Maze. Flickys can be seen flying inside the jungle from an open gap leading outside. A few moments later, vines drop from above and coming down are the Scavengers. Each wielding weapons to protect themselves, they begin quietly moving forward. They all look around whilst holding their weapons up to look out for any signs of danger that could be near them, preparing to attack in case they have to.

"Does this resemble a prehistoric world?" Amy inquire

"It appears to be more of an overgrown jungle," Shadow contemplated. 

Later on, they make it to their destination. The leader of the group, Prim Rouge, lifts up a large leaf from a plant.]

Prim Rouge: Look... [Cuts to her POV. She can be seen looking around.] Let's go. Food, water, supplies; whatever you can find. Quiet and quick.

[The Scavengers begin looking around for food. A berry inside a bush catches Prim Rouge's eye. Suddenly, a cawing sound can be heard from above. Each of the Scavengers stay alerted to their surroundings, each looking around for signs of danger. Suddenly, a bush rustles. Something comes out of it and charges towards the Scavengers.]

"What on Earth is that?!" Amy asked, and Xiphos wore a smile. She adored this world.

"I'm not sure, Amy, but it seems like a creature," Tails remarked.

Prim Rouge: [Yelling] Run!

[Prim Rouge gets hit by the thing that was charging towards them all off-screen, while Hnagry Cat screams off-screen. The screen fades to black.]

[Scene: Boscage Maze]

[A portal opens up in the sky. Coming out of it is Sonic, falling and screaming in the process. As he gets further and further down, he begins hitting tree branches until finally settling on a wooden border. He lays unconscious for a few seconds.]

"Ow!" Sonic winced at that landing. 

Sonic: [Rubbing his head] Oh, I really gotta start landing on my feet. [Looks up] What...?[ Sonic quickly gets up. He begins looking around on confusion.]

Sonic: Where am I? [Yelling, with his voice echoing] Nine? Nine? Are you out there, buddy? Rebel? Heck, I'd even take Knucks at this point.

"What's his problem with my other self?" Knuckles inquires.

"I'm not sure," Xiphos responds, still wearing a smile.

[Turns around] Is this a city park? Huh, I wonder if the Rebels know about this.

[Sonic slightly kneels and looks down into the jungle. Suddenly, he notices the change in his gloves and gears caused thanks to the Regulators.]

"Does the gear shift when he enters the new world?" Tails inquired, to which Xiphos nodded in confirmation. 

Sonic: Whoa... [Cuts to his POV. He can be seen looking at his gloves.] My kicks and gloves have a new look. [Looks at his shoes, lifting his leg up in the process] But why? [Turns his hand around, looking at his glove once more] Okay, Sonic, think. [Puts his hands to his head] It's not like answers are just gonna fall from the sky-- [Sonic hears a cawing sound. He looks up.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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