Chapter 18

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Perrie's P.O.V

"I'm going to miss you so much"

I exclaim throwing my hands around Zayn and pulling him in for a hug. 

Today was the day all the boys leave to go on their TMH Tour and we were all saying our goodbye. I hate when me and Zayn are apart for so long and I don't get to see him. I know it's his job and it's my job as well with the Little Mix girls but I just hate when I don't get to see him.

I know it must be harder for Eleanor and Amy to say their goodbyes because they are pregnant and Louis and Niall are going to miss out onso much of the pregnancy.

I guess it isn't that long, it's only for 3 months.

"Me too but I'll call and text you everyday"

"Ya you better"

I say jokily and I then pull away from him.

God, I'm going to miss those hugs.

"Passengers for the Cardiff flight please make your way to gate 8. Thank you"

End of Perrie's P.O.V

Eleanor's P.O.V"

"Passengers for the Cardiff flight please make your way to gate 8. Thank you"

I sign.

"Well this is it"

Louis wraps his arms around me and embraces me in a hug and then pulls away and was about to rub my belly where our child laid but I stopped when i realised there were some fans recording us and that would be going on YouTube.

"What's wrong?"

Louis asks looking hurt.

"Nothing it's just there are people over there recording us and if they got you rubbing my tummy on camera and put it up on YouTube, everyone would catch on that I'm pregnant"

I say whispering the last part and Louis nods understandily.

"Just mind our baby girl ok?"

Louis says whispering into my ear and I grin and nod.

"Of course I will and you take care of yourself and those four other idiots"

I say jokily and Louis smirks.

God I'm going to miss that smirk.

End of Eleanor's P.O.V

Amy's P.O.V

Here I am, crying like a baby into Niall's arms like an idiot. I'm going to miss him so much.

"Babe I'll only be gone for 3 months"

Niall says chuckling at me.

"I know it's just these stupid pregnancy hormones"

I say pulling away and laughing slightly.

"Still, it's nice to know I'll be missed"

He says winking at me.

"Danielle's lucky she gets to go with you and be with Liam."

Danielle is one of the dancers for the tour. Lucky.

Niall laughs at me.

"I'll be back before you know it, oh and remember the rules I told you"

I roll my eyes at him.

"Yes I know them all off by heart now, Don't lift anything heavy, Don't go out by yourself, Take my tablets for the baby, Don't be moving around the place too much, Don't do this, Don't do that e.t.c"

"Good and I mean it"

Niall says pointing his finger at me and I giggle

"Is someone practicing their daddy voice already"


He says winking at me.

"I'll going to miss you so much"

"Me too but I'll see you and this little one in a month, you and Santana are leaving for Dublin tomorrow aren't you?"

I nod.

Yes me and Santana are going back to Dublin while we both go back to our part time jobs in the resaurant as waitress and then we'll go back to London in 2 months and Santana will look for a job while I prepare myself for the arrival for our baby. I'll be seeing Niall in a month because they are going to be in the O2 arena as part of the tour and I'll get to see them.

"Ya can't wait"

I say excitily.

End of Amy's P.O.V

Santana's P.O.V

"Well, I better be going"

Harry says rather akwardly and was about to walk away when I stopped him.

"Wait! Can I ask you something?"


"How come you haven't asked me out yet?"

Harry looks at me confusely and chuckles nervousaly.

"Why did you think I was going to ask you out?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe because we kissed and had sex and showered together?"

Harry signs

"Santana, you know the stuff you see in magazines like me sleeping around and sexing and going after older women and that?"

"Ya so, there only rumors, aren't they?"

Harry shakes his head

"No it's the truth, Santana I'm not the sort of guy to get into realationships, I sleep around with whatever I see"

"Hold up, so you decided to take advantage of me? Did you think I was just some worthless peice of shit and I looked easy and you thought you can shag me and that's it?"

"No, that's not what I mea---"

"Well that's what it sounded like!"

"Santana I'm going to be honest with you, I do have feelings for you that I never really had for any other girl but I can't be in a realationship now because of my career and plus I don't want to hurt you, because I could end up cheating because i can't help but get my dick out for any woma---"


I shout at first but I talk lower then because I didn't want to cause a big scene.

"You probably told all that to Caroline, Tayloe Swift and God only knows whatever other woman you picked up and shagged and left and this has nothing to do with your career. Look at Zayn and Perrie, Louis and Eleanor, Amy and Niall and Danielle and Liam and they are doing just fine. You do realiseif you don't change your ways soon your going to be alone forever because girls will get tired of your game and leave eventually. So don't bother telling me bullshit Styles ok!"

He looked godsmacked, served him right.

Before he could even protest Liam cuts him off,

"Come on Harry we have to go!"


"Just go"



He signs and gives me an apologetic look and walks away as the rest of the boys wave goodbye to the rest of us but I ignore Harry and then they walk threw the gate and that's the last time I hope to meet Harry ever again.


End of Santan's P.O.V

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