Chapter 6

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-With Harry and Santana- 

"And there's the Big Ben and.. Ya that pretty much completes our tour of London"

Harry says chuckling and Santana taking every site in London.

"Wow it's beautiful"

"Like yourself"

Making Santana blush and looking down which makes Harry laugh lightly as he thinks "god she's so hot... And cute.. And her boobs... Oi Harry snap out of it.. Remember what your mama told you... Yes it's rude to stare at women's boobs"

"Soo ya I'm hungry what bout you"

Harry asks.

"Ya I haven't ate since I left Ireland.. Do you want to go to Starbucks?"

Harry smiles. "Sure.. I love coffee it makes me hyper"

Harry says getting excited which makes Santana laugh.

"Ok maybe not a good idea" Harry was about to answer when suddenly a load of cameras started flashing and we both look to see what it was,

"Shit paparazzi.. Grab my hand"

Santana did what she was told and Harry pulled her threw them while they all asked a load of questions but Harry only answer one of the questions which was "Harry is this your new girlfriend, she's hot what's her name"

While he threw a wink at Santana "No she's only a friend"

Santana heart shrunk.

"Only a friend?"

She thought

"I wish it was more" eventually they got away from them and made their way to Starbucks.

Niall's POV 

5 minutes later we were landed at Nando's and me and Amy where having a good chat about old times and funny times. I just still can't believe I'm going to be a dad. It's really is overwhelming. I'm syked as well about being a dad but also scared for me and Amy. What if it ruined our relationship?

I was then distracted from my thoughts when I feel Amy nudge me "Huh?"

"What do you want to eat?" I look up at the waitress and say,

"Oh ah just a burger and chips please" and we were about to take our seats when I spotted Louis and Eleanor over at the other side of the restaurant.

"Look there's Lou and Eleanor, I might as well introduce you to Eleanor now" I say to Amy grabbing her hand and bringing her over to the couple.

"Hey guys.."

I say but was cut off by Louis practically shouting

"No! Jimmy protested!"

Eleanor rolling her eyes at him.

"His being reading that book for the last half an hour"

"That's a first" causing us all to laugh, Louis still deep in thought with his book.

"Oh Eleanor this is Amy my girl... I mean friend from back home and Quinn this is Eleanor Louis's girlfriend"

Eleanor smiles sweetly at Amy.

"Hi it's nice to meet you"

Extending her hand to Quinn taking it and shakes it.

"Likewise, Louis a lucky boy to have you"

"Huh? Who said my name?"

Louis says looking up and sees me and Quinn standing there.

"Oh hi! How long have you been there for"

"For the last 5 minutes while you where going on bout that jimmy fella"

"Ya it was a good book" Louis says smiling proud of himself that he actually read while me and Eleanor shake our heads and Amy is just there laughing.

"And yes Amy I know I'm a lucky guy indeed"

Louis says winking at Eleanor causing Eleanor to blush.

"And Niall is a lucky boy to have you Amy" Eleanor says smiling at Amy when Amy tries to explain,

"Oh no we're not boyfriend and girlfriend"


Louis says winking causing me to chuckle as we take a seat next to them and eat our food.

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