Chapter 17

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I am yet again after changing the name of the story fom "Trying To Find The Right Direction" to "All That Drama". I changed the name of Niall's girlfriend as well from Quinn to Amy. Just to let you know Amy is 4 months pregnant and Eleanor is 2 months pregnants. Finally here is chapter 17. Enjoy :)


Niall's P.O.V

"Amy Enright?"

I hear the nurse call and I grab Amy's hand and we make our way into the room where the ultra-sound will take place.

The nurse did some things with Amy first like weighing her asking her questions about cravings, morning sickness etc.

"Dr. Moran will be into you in a moment"

And with that she left.

For the next five minutes there was nothing but silence, a comfortable silence thou. I noticed that Amy was looking nervous as usual thinking that something is going to go wrong.

"Hey A-Bear everything's going to be fine, no need to be worrying"

I reassure her.

"But what if isn't Nia--"

"Hello Amy, Niall, How are things?"

Dr. Moran walks in interrupting Amy who didn't get to finish her sentence.

"We're good, the morning sickness has died down"

Amy answers chuckling slightly.

"Good, Have you felt any movement yet?"

"Ya actually we felt it kick last night for the first time"

Amy answers yet again and I smile at the memory.

"Lovely, now let's see how this little one is doing so if you can lift you top up."

Amy does what she's told and he squirts that blue stuff on to her belly and then there was a few moments of silence.

And then I hear it.

The baby's heartbeat.

"So if you look here you can see it's head here and you can see it's leg and two hands here."

He says pointing to the picture which came up on the screen.

It looked so beautiful.

I felt a tear escape from my eye but wiped it away quickly before anyone saw it.

"And you can hear the heart beat also, well it seems to be looking and sounding well. Would you like to know the gender?"

Amy looks at me expectably and I nod.

"Yes, please"

I answer and he nods.

"Well congratulations your having a baby boy"

After that I didn't hear a word what the doctor said. I couldn't believe it. I was going to have a mini-me running around the place.

A little Nialler.

"So that's it until next month unless you have any questions?"

"Nope, I'm good for now"

I say getting up with Amy as well and we said our goodbyes and made our way out to the car.

But of course, paparazzi are out intruding in our personal lives.


They all started shouting questions at us then and we try our best to ignore them.

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