Y/n x Naruto

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(Ok yes I know I'm starting off VERY basic with the Naruto x y/n and stuff so its my first time writing stuff like this so, if my grammar/storyline is wrong please dont come at me anyhow first I'll let you know the basics)
Y/n: means your name
H/c: will mean your hair color
H/l: will mean your hair length
E/c: will mean eye color
And yeah I really hope you enjoy!

(this will be told from your POV)

I was walking home and it was beautiful, the sun was sinking just below the horizon and it was perfect,
Hmm, I'll have to paint this later.
I think as my eyes graze over the gorgous sunset.
(Ugh I cant get it out of this font sorry guys)
"Yo! Y/n!!!!"
I turn around to see one of the best people exist
"Naruto!" I say as I smile and tilt my head.
"Hehe, so, how have you been? I haven't heard from you since...about a month ago, how was the mission?"
"Oh, it was good! I' ll tell you all about it over ramen!"
"Ok- wait did you say RAMEN?!"
I laugh "Yes, my treat."

Oh well. I think, I guess I'll just be home later than planned.
We talk and catch up about things going on in the village, the latest pranks he's pulled and everything in between.
"Ah, Naruto!" Teuchi exclaims. "The usual?"
"Make that two," I say.
"Ah, so your with him this time! You know while you were gone Naruto kept talking about how much he missed you and coulden't wait for you to return. He was bored without you,  Y/n." Teuchi says.
I look at Naruto.
He's averting his eyes while blushing.
"Whats wrong with missing a friend?" I ask since he look very embarrased.
"Nothing. But it uh kinda makes me feel a bit I don't know. Weird?"
"Naruto, theres nothing wrong with careing for a friend."
He smiles awkwardly.
As we go to sit down I thought I saw Teuchi wink at Naruto.
I look at Naruto whos giving him a shut up expression.

I look at him questioningly (is that a word?)
His expression told me don't worry.
I shrug my shoulders.
We talk for about five minutes then the ramen comes.
"Thank you for this meal!" Naruto exclaimes happily.
I laugh.
He's like a small child.😊
"Anytime??" He asks mischievously waggleing his eyebrows.
"Anytime I feel like it." I correct.
He laughs oh, boy, his laugh its so, so, how to put it? Full of life.
I love his laugh.
I love him t- WAIT what am I thinking??

What is this feeling???.

Why do I feel this way?

What IS 'This way'?

✨W H A T✨

"Um Y/n? You okay? You just kinda spaced out there," Naruto askes concerned.
"What? Huh? Oh, oh, yeah. Sorry."
"Its okay. So about your mission?"
"Oh you won't belive it!"
I told him all about you mission everything that you had to overcome.
When I was finished with the story,
"What was the ranking again?" Naruto asked.
"They said it was B but it turned out to be an A ranked mission."
"Ha! I know how that feels." He says reminding you of the bridge builder.
"Yeah I wonder if the Old bridge builder is still kicking around."
Naruto laughs.
"Hey Naruto?" I ask

"Yes Y/n?"
"Have you been assigned any missions recently?"

"Really what rank?"

"Oh, its a self assigned mission but its really difficult in difficulty I' d rank it a S."
"Wow, thats difficult. What is it?"

" Thats for me to know and you," he says booping my nose "to find out."
I laugh.
Wait why is my heart racing?
Am I blushing?

Whats going on?
"Anyways it's getting late," Naruto says snapping you back to reality. "And you should be getting home."
I look around.
Wow, it is REALLY dark out. How long were we talking?
"Your right." I say laying the proper amount on yen on the counter. "Goodnight Naruto."
"Goodnight Y/n, Sweet dreams," he glances down shifting his weight and looking uneasy "and Y/n?"
"Stay safe, be careful, I've heard a creepy guy has been wandering the village recently."
Awww he cares about me, I smile. "Okay, Naruto, Sweet dreams." I say.
I walk back to my house and think back to what Naruto said.
I get inside and lock the door behind me. I make sure that all the windows are locked too.
I change into my pajamas and lie down in my bed.
Do I have feelings for Naruto?
Does he have feelings for me.
Obviously, but only as a friend. Thats all we'll ever be, unless...
Unless somebody does something about it.
Only Naruto or I can change that and I don't think he will so I should.
I wake up.
When did I fall asleep?
Then I realise that I woke up to a pounding on the door.
I rush down stairs and open the door.
It's Naruto.
He looks out of breath.
"Sorry." He pants "I just heard something happened some girl went missing and came here to check on you."
"Well I'm ok." I reasure him.
He looks on the verge of tears.
"I thought- I thought that-" He struggles to get the words out as he breaks into sobs.
"Hey, hey. Naruto I'm ok." I say pulling him into a hug.
We sink to the floor he hugs me tighter.
"I was so worried."
"Naruto," I say stroking his head as I would a crying toddler. "I'm sorry I worried you."
He has stopped crying but is still visibly upset.
"How about you come in I'll make you tea."
"Alright." He says wiping the tears from his face.
I make tea and I bring it to the living room.
"Your wearing my shirt." He comments as I walk in to the room.
"Yeah." I laugh.
Last year Naruto grew out of a lot of his clothes but they were still in fairly good condition so he gave them to you.
You blush as you remember that all you were wearing was some shorts and Narutos old T-shirts.
"Yes Naruto?"
"I want to tell you this right now while I have the chance."
"Shoot." I say.
"Y/n you're nice,kind,funny,pretty and big hearted. And I like you, I like you a lot. I always have and I understand if you don't like me ba-"
He gets cut off as I place a quick kiss on his lips.
His lips were so soft.

"Does that mean you like me?"

"So um what are we?"
"Whatever you want." I say blushing.
"So that means we're dating then?" He smiles.
"Yes. So can you tell me what your mission was now?"
"It was you."
He smiles.
God I love his smile.

Anywho the end that was my very first fan fic I hope it wasnt too cringe and wasnt too bad with the grammar i really he you enjoyed if anyone reads this and has requests I' ll try and they can be from different animes too like seven deadly sins, mha, black clover, haikyu, etc. Sorry if you didnt like this one. I hope there will be more to come (The girl that went missing(( to clear things up)) turns out the man was her secret boyfriend they ran off and yeah there were no kidnappings)

Words total 1246.

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