Aftermath Tanjiro x y/n pt.3

27 1 16

(Last part istg).... unless you want more? Lmk
So as you read in the title this is the aftermath ig kinda just like the morning after 😏
Also yes this is VERY short.

Or at least i expect it 2 🐝.

Once again i apologize for any grammatical errors.

You wake up, sore.

What a strange dream....I wish it was real. You think not noticing the bandage on you arm as your mind is elsewhere...

(I think you know where....😏😏😏)

You think you hear water running but dicide its your imagination.

You had a weird dream, your minds playing tricks on you.

"Hmmm, what to make for breakfast?" You wonder out loud as you walk to the kitchen.

You settle on waffles.

You should have some whipped cream and fruit in the fridge still.

You start on the batter and let the waffle machine heat up.

Looks good. You think.

"Okay... don't spill any now..." You say concentrating on not spilling any of the batter.

As you wait for the waffles to cook, you wash, cut, and put the fruit in bowls.

You get out the syrup and set it on the table.

As you're taking the third waffle out you feel arms wrap around your waist and jump slightly.


"Calm down Y/n, sorry I scared you my, darling." He says as he rests his head on your shoulder.

"T-tanjiro?" You breathe as you feel the heat rising in your face.

No way am I still dreaming? You look at your arm and sure enough theres the bandage.


"Whats wrong, Y/n?"

"N-nothing. Just..."

He suddenly looks sad. "Did you not like it? I'm so sorry Y/n you deserved so much better!"

"No! No! Not at all! Its just I...I thought it was.. um a dream."

"In a good way or a bad way?"

"I said dream not nightmare Tanjiro."

"Yes but...."

"I think you were great. Now sit down and I'll finish breakfast."

He looks relieved and quite happy.

You smile as you turn to the waffles.

(waffle supremacy guys.)

(I know i spelled that incorrectly)

Im sorry but that is it mainly 🐝cuz writers block.

Also which do you prefer as something a guy calls you?
Me personally i like love

1. Love                  2. Darling                3. Princess
4. Y/n                    5. L/n.            Etc if you have any good nick names for ppl in relationships specifically female but yk

Anyways love yall sorry bye youre all fabulous ❤❤❤❤

Words total 424

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