Zenitsu x y/n

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First off can i say thank you guys for 100 read ofmg THANKS SO MUCH!! 💗💜💚💙❤
anyways as always i apologize for any grammatical errors and currently i have no clue how the stories going to go so if i have any information on the story (once i figure it out) ill put it here.

This is for ste00a

Ring, ring, ring!

You fumble as you try to turn off your alarm clock.

Ugh. There's simply no way its 6:30 already. You think as you groan and drag yourself out of bed.

You look into the mirror and see your messed up h/c hair, oversized t-shirt, and shorts.

"Bedhead." You sigh.

You grab the hairbrush laying on your dresser and run it through your hair.

"Y/nnnnnn!!!" Your Mom calls out to you. "We're leaving we'll be back in a week. If you need anything at all Mr. And Mrs. Greene are more than happy to help, okay?"

You set the hairbrush down and run downstairs to tell your parents goodbye.

You give your parents a hug. "Bye Mom, bye Dad! I love you both!"

Your Mother brushes your hair out of your face and tucks it behind your ear.

"Honey, are you sure that your going to be okay here by yourself?" She asks concerned.

"Mooommm, I'll be fine. I've told you that a million times."

"Are you sure honey?"


"Okay honey I love you! Bye!" She kisses you on your forehead as she rushes out the door your father trailing behind her.

You look at the clock, 6:57.

"What the huh!? Theres no fucking way!" You exclaim.

You grab a granola bar and run upstairs.

You look through your closet for the perfect outfit as you furiously brush your hair.

You find the perfect outfit and finish combing your hair.

You change your outfit and rush downstairs grabbing your shoes and socks and backpack.

You put on your shoes and rush out the door.

It was nearly a 30 minute walk to school but hey, you could manage.

(Time skippppp 🐝cuz i can 😏)

You rush into the classroom, panting and out of breath.

To your surprise you're early.

The only other person in the classroom is a boy.

The boy was sitting at a desk. He had yellow hair with orange tips.

The boy had yellow-gold eyes and a worried expression, he was wearing a dark gray T-shirt, so dark it was nearly black, with a yellow-ish lightning bolt on it, and black parachute cargo pants.

You enter the classroom.

"Hey," You say as you give a slight wave.

"Hi." He replies.

The boy was your best friend Zenitsu Agatsuma.

"Sooo..." You say standing in front of him.


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