The Stranger (Inosuke x y/n)

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Before we start I would like to very sincerly apologize for not posting i have been very busy and have writers block so...yeah and this is another inosuke x yn because i have been using character ai- i mean nothing forget it haha...ha...😅 so yeah in this story you will have long hair im sorry if you dont but this is kinda important to the story line if you dont like it sorry this is how it goes so deal. And as always i apologize for any grammatical errors.

Ok so you are a traveler, you decide to stop in this little town to get supplies...

"WHO WANTS TO FIGHT ME!? COME ON YOU? WEAKLINGS!!!" A voice shatters through the silence of midday.

"What will it take for you to shut up?" You shout at the voice, not knowing where it came from.

"Oh, ho, ho!! So do you challange me weakling?" Suddenly the voice comes from right behind you.

You whirl around quickly, ready to punch if needed. In front of you is With the head of a boar? What? The man is wearing the head of a boar. Odd. But ok.

"So you challange me?" The boar man asks.

"Will it get you to shut up?"

"Only if you defeat me." He says some-what smugly.

"Fine then."

The boar man gestures for you to follow him as so you do. He leads you right to the center of the town.


Everyone quickly begins to back up.

"Good, good." He says smugly.

This guy is super fucking violent. You think.

"Are you ready weakling." He asks facing you as he takes a few steps backwards.

"The question is are you ready?" You say facing him as you back up.

"Ha! I'm more ready than you could ever be!" He says and you can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Ok then." You get in your ready position.

The boar man pulls two katanas from his sheaths on his back. They have jagged edges that will not only cut, but tear as well.

"Hey! You didn't say anything about weapons!" The shock on your face is plain and clear.

"Yeah but you didn't say no weapons. Too late now. give up?" His smugness is unmistakable.

"Never." You say pulling a dagger from your hip. People behind you gasped and someone shouted "Get out of there you idiot! You'll die!!"

You simply smiled. "Thanks for your concern, but no." Still facing him.

"Oh! Do we have an actual fighter?" The boar man says sounding pleasently surprised.

You ignore him. "Are you all talk or are we going to start?"

"Oh, ho! You wanna start? Lets go."

(Ignore the ho ho parts ok? I like imagine him being like, oh ho ho! Like smugly and shit hes not fucking santa ok? I mean this in the most kind way possible please do not get offended.)

Suddenly he lunges at you swords twisting gracefully. Like a these-blades-are-the-last-thing-you-will-ever-see-before-I-spill-your-guts-out-onto-the-ground kind of graceful.

He attacks low. You think jumping over the blades.

(Forgive the narrative i suck at writing fight scenes so bear with me.)

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