Kurapika x Y/n

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Ok, so firstly I apologize for not posting yesterday.
And next thing you need to know is this is a Kurapika x y/n.
Kurapika is from Hunter x Hunter and is from the Kurta clan.
The Kurta clan was eliminated by the Phantom Troupe but Kurapika survived.
So in this story it will not take place in the timeline in the story.
He still has no parents though. (I want to put and no bitches either but yk 😅)
So basically yes he is a hunter but its like a normal life.
If that makes sense.
So you and Kurapika were put together on a project and got in a fight.
You haven't spoke to him since.
That was 3 months ago.
You want to talk to him since you have always had a crush on him.
But you are very stubborn, like VERY stubborn.
You know calling by his last name annoys him so, you've decided that when you start talking again you'll call him Kurta.
Anyhow once again I aoplogize for any grammatical errors.

"And I will be choosing your partners for this project." Mr. Wallis, your sicence teacher says as you sigh.

You've hated not being able to choose your partners ever since the accident with Kurapika.

Well its not like I started the fight. You think.

Its not my fault.....not completely anyway.

"Miss. Y/n are you listening?" Mr. Wallis asked.

"Yes sir." You say.

"Alright who is your partner for the project?"

You look around the room, everyone is looking at you. You see Kurapika glaring at you and now you know exactly who your partner is.

"Kurta." You say annoyed. Sure, you do like him but hes just so difficult sometimes!

Mr. Wallis looks at you reproachfully before resuming listing the partners.

The bell rings and you jump out of the chair garbbing your things quickly.

I have to get out of here quickly. You think. Before I run into Kurapika, I'll either mess up and embarrass my self or get him even more upset with me.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and whirl around to see Kurapika.

His expression is hard to read. He looks slightly annoyed and slightly embarrassed. But its hard to tell as he is not meeting your gaze.

"The project." He says still avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, what about it?" You say hoping to sound annoyed but secretly you were happy he was speaking to you.

"Come over to my house and we can work on it."

"I don't know where you live."

"Right." He looks a bit embarrassed. He gives you his adress and you agree to meet him there tomorrow. (Which fyi is saturday).

(Time skip bc what do i even do with my life?)

You wake up at 8:00. Your alarm is ringing loud enough to wake the dead. It would have to be, you are quite the heavy sleeper.

Your ready to slap that thing into oblivion because for some odd reason its not turning off. So you unplug it and decide to fix it later.

You get dressed in your favourite clothes.

When you go downstairs you make your favourite breakfast.

Then you remember you have to be at Kurapika's house by 9:30 a.m.

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