The stranger pt.2

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Sorry humans, i have been lazy but HOLY SHIT 288 READS THANK YOU ALL SM❤💓💞 anywho I will (probably) give you all a vote on a smut or fluff, but ig in the end it all boils down to what i feel comfortable writing atm. So yeah thanks and back to the story love you all.....

"I'm freezing you ass-hat." You mutter shivering.

"Not my fault you're weak." He smirks back.

"Oooh, hot springs see ya."

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"The hotsprings...duh." You say pointing in the direction of the hot springs.

"Ok then dumbass." He walks into the mens springs.

"You're the dumbass!" You call after him as you walk into the womens.

You hear him chuckle. You walk into the room and undress and unbind your chest.

"Oh, that feels so nice." You sigh from relief. You walk into the springs and the warm water on your body feels nice.

(Time skip because the hot water feels nice.)

You exit the hotsprings after a while and see Inosuke waiting for you.

"Why are you still here?"

"Doesnt matter weakling. Want to get food?"


"Yeah." He says.

"Get food? With you?"

"Uhm. Yeah are you dumb or...?"

"Its food so I'm obviously coming."

He smirks. "Good."

"I'm not missing out on an oppertunity to eat." You say as you walk with him. "Where are we going anyway?"

He smirks. "The best place in town." A few moments later he stops in front of a ramen and udon bar. "Do you prefer ramen or udon?"

"Ramen/Udon." (choose your preferred food.)

He orders and then pats the seat beside him telling you to sit. "So why are you in town?"

"I needed to get supplies."

"Ah. So do you intend to stay here?"

"Well I do like it here..."

"Then stay."

"Why do you care anyways?"

"I don't know its nice to have a some what worthy rival." He shrugs.

"Some what?"

"Yeah you heard me." He turn to you and smirks.

"Well then I think you are the single most-"

You are cut off by the server. "Your food." She sets the food on the counter in front of you.

"Oh! This looks good!"

Inosuke looks smug. "It is. Just try it."

You try it and are surprised. It is wonderful.

Inosuke sees your expression and chuckles.

"This is...this is the best ramen/udon I have ever had."

He smirks and turns to his meal. "Told ya."


He grunts in reponse.


"I'm the best aren't I?" He smirks while puffing out his chest.

You laugh at his antics. "Yeah, right." You say rolling your eyes.

"Y/nnnn, let me be awesome for like five seconds!" He groans.

You roll your eyes and go back to your food.

You can hear him chuckling to himself as he eats his food. He clears his throat. " you can stay with me if you want to..." He says quietly.

"I beg your pardon?" You ask. "I didn't quite catch that."

"I said you can stay with me...if you want...only if you promise to train with me."

"Ah, so you just need a sparring partner."

"Well I ment-"

"Inosuke. Its fine. I'll stay. I need to train a bit so this works out fine."

He face shows an expression of triumph. "You will?"

You nod, smiling.

His grin turns into a smirk. "Ha! Now we must battle!"

"Inosuke, tomorrow. Its cold, and late right now. Tomorrow, ok?"

"Fine." He grumbles.

Soon you two have finished eating and you begin the walk to his house. Inosuke tells you his house is just outside of town, so you are walking with him. The moonlight filters through the trees surrounding you, making this feel surreal. A cold wind blows through the comfortable night. The sky is clear and you can see a very starry sky. You smile, you have always loved stars. Its really a wonderful night.

"You like the stars?" Inosuke asks pulling you out of your thoughts.


"Sissy." He scoffs. As he stops in front of a house, more of a cottage really. Vines creeping up the sides of the house with a garden overflowing with fresh fruits and vegetables.

"Coming from the guy who likes to garden."

"Hey! Gardening is very impressive! Very difficult for most! But I am not like the others! I am better!" He says very defensively.

"Yeah, ok. Can I help?"

"Can you" He looks very confused.

You nod.

"But you dont like gardening?"

"I never said that."

"Whatever but if you ruin my garden I swear to-"

"Chill out. I'm not going to ruin your garden."

He looks slightly relieved.

"And even if I did I kicked your ass once I can do it again."

He whirls around. "You see here you-"


He sighs. "Whatever come in." He opens the door and walks inside. You follow, taking your shoes off at the door. The house smells slightly of burned food.

"You can't cook worth shit can you?"

He turns to look at you, he looks as if he is about to say something very vulgar and then shuts his mouth and reluctantly nods.

"Its ok. I'll cook."

He looks sceptical. "Whatever. Wait here. I'm going to grab a sleeping mat."

(Im so sorry i forgot what they were called, futons? I dont know i think it rhymes with hungry.)

You wait there patiently as Inosuke dissapears down the hallway. He comes back a few moments later with a sleeping mat. He sets it up on the floor in the living room.

"Goodnight." He heads into a hallway.

"Goodnight..." you go outside and find a well. You pull up the bucket of water and use some of it to brush your teeth.

(Because we are hygenic. I think thats how you spell it. Fuck i have back grammar.)

You unbind your chest before going inside and crawling into bed and falling asleep.

Sorry this one was short...i need to find a monolouge for a play audition. And a song...and i need to reherse it...and i need to finish my school work...and practice piano, and avoid this guy that has been following me...I love you all so much, sorry if i havent been posting i truely am. Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/midday/whatever. Luv u <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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