Tanjiro x Y/n

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Okay so, if you have never seen demon slayer kimestu no yaiba and you have read the rest of my stories you might recognise the name 'Tanjiro'
Anyways im going to cut the crap and just get straight to it.
Same as always i apologize for bad grammar.
And heres some context:
In this story you have a dog, it is your dream dog okay?
If your a cat person or any other kind of animal person sorry, its a dog.
Yeh thats the end of the context im running out of ideas 😂 anyway im a little stuck on the prom story rn but i AM working on it.
P/n will mean Pet name.

Your dog starts barking is loud as they can. Letting you know they need to go out.

You sigh. "Buddy its almost 11:30." You say even though you know they can't understand you.

They bark again loudly. You sigh as you get up to grab the leash.

You grab the leash and find your dog already sitting. "Good doggie." You say in a baby voice causing your dog to wag its tail and bark happily.

"Shhhh its almost 11:30 buddy."

You grab the end of the leash and walk over to the front door. You make sure to turn on the location on your phone as some very sketchy things have been happening recently and just to be on the safe side text the group chat with your four closest friends who (luckily for you) live nearby, Hana, Tanjiro, Aoi, and Hinata. The text read; hey guys goin 4 a walk w/ (pets name) wish me luck 😂. So it comes off as joking with a hint of seriousness. Tanjiro and Aoi respond almost instantly. Aoi: luck. Tanjiro: stay safe Y/n. Aoi: well im hittin the hay ttyl.

(For those who dont know hitting the hay is going to sleep.)

Shit your phones on low battery.

You don't want to walk too far, but your dog had other ideas they pulled really hard leading you down the street.

"P/n, slow down!"

Your dog keeps pulling seemingly chasing, well, something.

But there was simply nothing there.

"Hey!" A males voice calls out from across the street.

Your dog stops and sits down.

Your skin crawls and you get goose bumps.

"What are you doing out here at this time? Its dangerous." He says walking across the street twords you.

You start looking around for a place to run if needed. Beind you was a sort of alleyway,
To your left was a dead end, and to your right, it was just street. You didn't realise how far you had walked until now.

Your throat closes up and you start to sweat. You're scared. You grip your phone.

"Well? You could get hurt." He says stopping infront of you.

The man is tall, and is wearing a 90's rock band T-shirt with a black jacket, dark haired, wearing a black mask, you can't see his face clearly, and his hands were in his jacket pockets and it looks as if theres something in his pockets too.

"I... I'm walking my dog." Trying to sound casual as you grip your phone tighter.

"Well I can see that, but why here?"

"What do you mean?"

He just stares back.

This makes you very uneasy so you dicide to tell him good night then walk off.

"Well good night sir," You say going to turn around.

"Nah," He says moving forward.

What does he mean, no? You think.

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