Zenitsu x Y/n pt.2 😏

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Im really trying my hardest rn lol anywho pt 2 bc i motherfucking can.
Also same as always i apologize for any gramatical errors and sorry if its short

"Oh, God, Y/n." Zenistu pulls away from the kiss.


"You're so fucking gorgeous."

You blush and murmur a thanks.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't quite catch that."

For some reason a new wave of embarrassment washes over you. "Thank you."

He cradles you in his arms and plays with your hair, running his fingers through it, braiding it.

(Idk about u guys but when a guy likes to like braid your hair and shit ❤❤❤💀💀)

You start to drift off when. "Y/n."

"Yes Zenitsu?"

"Fuck, I-I'm sorry I want you."


"I want all of you."

"So you're like asking me?"

"Y-yes can I Y/n? My body aches for you."

You answer with a kiss.

"Is that a yes?" He smirks, any former embarrassment long gone.


He kisses you rough and lustful. His hands roam your body, rubbing your thighs, carressing your shoulders, and kissing your neck.

You nearly let a moan escape your lips but bite it back, embarrassed.

"Oh, already so pleased by my touch?" He smirks looking you in the eyes.

"N-no I'm not I-I don't know what you mean." You stutter.

He smirks and begins massaging your inner thighs.

"Your so cute Y/n, and delicate... I wonder how long it will take to break you."

He removes his shirt and carefully undresses you execept for your underclothes.

(You are wearing underclothes bc there is a boy in your house. (( my experiance its already weird when your brother wanders in your room when your not wearing a bra imagine your guy bestfriend *my guy best friend (i wont lie) probably wouldent even notice and if he did he would die of embarrassment*)))

Now that you are almost completely exposed to him a rouge creeps into your cheeks tips of your ears and shoulders.

"Ah, you're fucking gorgeous." Zenitsu smirks. "And you're mine and I'm going to make sure that everybody knows."


He removes your underwear and smirks.

He slides one finger in and you bite back a moan.

"Z-zenitsu I-I've never seen you like this."

"Hmmmm you're already so wet for me." He smirks.

He slides another finger in and it its becoming harder to hold back your moans.

"Hmmm." He smirks looking you up and down. "You're holding back."


He starts moving inside you.


He looks you in the eye, grinning. "I was right."

He takes his fingers out of you.

You nearly wimper at the empty feeling.

Zenitstu takes his pants off then his underclothes.

Suddenly you feel something at your enterance. "Zeni-"

He doesn't wait, he fills you and you release a moan.

"Ha," He breathes. "I was right."


"Huh? Whats this you're asking for more? Ha! And I was under the impression you aren't driven crazy by my touch." He smirks at you.

"Please." You breathe.

"Alright." He smirks.



Im soooooo sorry if you didnt like it

Im still taking requests love yall!

Words total 553

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