Shikamaru x Y/n

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This is the man jsyk (just so you know)
Thank you all so much for 160 reads!
Once again (as always) I do sincerely apologize on any grammatical errors i make please just ignore them thank you!


Its summertime in the Village Hidden In The Leaves.
Recently you have gotten closer to Shikamaru and maybe started to develop fellings for him😏😏😏😏
Your bored so one day,
(lets say Friday bc why the hell not?)
You decide to throw a party.
You invite, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Rock Lee, Neji, Hinata, Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Tenten, Shino, and Gaara.
Currently its about 7:00 a few minutes before they're supposed to arrive...🙄
( the emoji is there bc it can be.)

Btw sakura, ino, hinata and tenten are girls jsyk.

Knock knock!

"Who's gonna be the first to arrive?" You wonder as you put down your plate of snacks and go to answer the door.

You open the door to find Naruto and Rock Lee.

"Oh!" You smile. "I'm so glad you guys are here! Sorry but not everythings completed quite yet! I didn't expect anyone to be this early! And especially not you Naruto!" Realising that that sounded quite rude, you quickly apologized. "Oh! Goodness I'm so sorry Naruto! That sounded so mean! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean that!"

Naruto laughs. "Y/n calm down! Its fine! To be completely honest I'm really surpised too!"

"It was very kind of you to invite us. Thank you Y/n." Rock Lee says.

"Of course you two are my friends!" You beam.

"Do you need any help at all Y/n?" Rock Lee asks as you let them in.

"Oh! Yes! If you wouldn't mind could you help me in the kitchen?"

"Yes! Of course Y/n!" Rock Lee smiles at you.

"I'll help too!" Naruto offers.

"Thank you guys!"

Soon you have the last bit of food in the oven. (idk what it is lets say umm homemade mini pizzas? Ramen? Mini pies? Cake? i rlly dont know sorry ✨I M A G I N A T I O N ✨)

Knock knock!

"Oh! Rock Lee would you mind?" You ask, as you are washing your hands.

"No problem!" He walks into the living room to the door.
"Y/n! Its Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and Neji!"

"Thanks Lee!" You shout back. What an odd combination. You think, usually when Sasukes around, Sakura and Ino were practically at each others throats. And since Neji and Tenten were on the same team as Rock Lee it was odd that they came seperately.

You dry off your hands and walk into the living room to see Naruto and Rock Lee chatting with the new-comers. Ino was no where in sight. Probably in the bathroom.

"Hey Naruto? Rock Lee? I have to change cause the flour got on my shirt. Could you guys keep them entertained for a hot minute?" You ask pulling them aside

"Sure thing y/n!" Naruto says.

"You guys are the best!"

You go into your room and change into your favorite shirt paired with the cutest skirt you had.

You didn't think it took that long but when you got there Kiba, Hinata, Shino, and Gaara were already there.

"Oh hi guys!" You say.

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