5 - Blessing In Disguise

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I arrived at the station to see a woman run up to someone causing a disturbance.

"If I would have known 'going out' meant winding up in a police station, I would have never let you!"

I stood there watching them. The woman was young, dressed in loungewear. Not anticipating showing up at a police station in the middle of the night.

She runs her hand through her hair, the other resting on her hip.

I look away to see if I could find a familiar douchebag.

"Serenity Wayne?" A male officer comes up to her. "Ah, yes. I'm his sister and legal guardian."

Wayne? I didn't know he had a sister.

"We've contacted another person as well. Since you're his legal guardian, follow me to fill out some paperwork." "Okay." She turns to mouth something to him and leaves.

Finally, my eyes lay upon him.

Sitting there all slouched in that chair, knuckles all bruised and bloody. He seemed far too relaxed for someone with that appearance. Or for someone sitting in a station for that matter.

Was he that mad from what I said to him earlier?

But that was hours ago!

This certainly makes everything a lot awkward now.

I bite my lip as I walk up to him.

His eyes lit up at the sight of me. It makes me uneasy.
"You're here. I honestly thought you wouldn't show."

"I thought I told you to delete my number." I accuse. I just couldn't help myself. He didn't seem to mind though.
He just glances down with a grin then back up at me.
"And here I thought the first thing you'd ask me was about my hands."

"Sorry to disappoint." I stare down at him, unrelenting. "Mhm. You could never disappoint me."
I bet I could do a whole lot more.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that."

"What about you?" He leans forward so that his elbows are resting on top of his thighs. "Hmm?" "Your hand..."

His tone is suggestive as his eyes zero in on my bandaged hand.
Something I've forgotten about until now. The pain has subsided into a dull ache whenever I move it.

I subconsciously rub it and then hide it from view. Suddenly defensive. "None of your business."

The blank expression on his face is almost unsettling. I don't like it. It looks almost wrong. Like it didn't belong there on such a face.

He smiles and leans back. "Ah, of course!"

Something bright dances in the vast brown pools of his eyes. I find myself unable to look away quickly.
"Always full of secrets, you are."

I scratch the nape of my neck. "Whatever. I'd like to keep it that way." "I'll still solve you." "What am I, a math equation?"
He silently stares up at me. A glint in those brown eyes. "An enticing conundrum."

My heart flutters. I take a deep breath. "I'm leaving," I announce and turn on my way.
"Oh? Who—" I ignore his sister and keep walking. My heart was beating rapidly and my hands were starting to sweat.

Kaius Wayne.

I hate you so much.

It wasn't until I got outside that I was finally able to breathe.

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